Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

you guys are missing that when 20% of my posts are meaningless doesn’t mean that the other 80% is

200 posts of mine are bad and only are for my fun
but that’s 800 posts of good content

If u can quote me one insightful post from today that wasn’t about mech or complaining about you being scumread, I’ll vote Squirrel

I dont want you to vote squirrel

so no

This isn’t a thunderdome between me and him
It’s not I die or he does
I see no reason to want him to die

I’ll vote literally anyone else other than u

/vote atlas @Host_Account_5

Bye felicia

You played yourself, congratulations

There’s your post
/vote moose @Host_Account_5
He’s trying to get me mislynched
After I assume either me or vulgard will be blamed

This true actually. We are heading to lylo which means deathproof/governor don’t benefit us from taking kp.

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Ooh spicy but I think youd have been better off on squirrel, excited to see how this plays out for u

Good luck atlas know that I’m rooting for u, the lone lost wolf against 8 is a big challenge and I always support the under dog.

We literally never kill Moose today??


I’m going off of everyone that I think could be LW

okay but if we kill Hippo today then I literally cannot be confirmed to not be LW

And if you kill me we waste two days

so you’re claiming deathproof, right?

Because squirrel will die right after and I know for almost certain he’s v