Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

i feel that could be taken wrong in religious contexts

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anyway clowns
uh donā€™t lynch squirrel heā€™s probably good
same with eli
wazza should self resolve
if ybw is wolf weā€™ve already lost
be more suspicious of vul the longer he stays alive
lw is probably within ranta/moose/vul

if Iā€™m right I get to be cool and right and everyone will think Iā€™m amazing and smart and uh other adjective
if Iā€™m wrong itā€™s because im the character thatā€™s very dumb but also im ā€œrelatableā€ and cute so I cannot be blamed even though you as a player probably hate me

Weā€™re gonna lose lol

yes the wolves will

we have 4-5 executions
No way we could ever lose and mislynch several times in a row based off flimsy reasons


haha right?



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You sweet summer child

i mean we mathematically have the advantage
town would have to get odds wrong at least four times
with tons of information we have

we could never lose here


you should probably explain why squirrel is town because marl


/vote Ranta @Host_Account_5

seems more optimal to push through

I think rantas town

Eli us a much better vote

I think marl is a more likely lw than ranta honestly. I donā€™t think we shld touch ranta till final 5

eliā€™s a complete shrug to me
canā€™t say he canā€™t be lw but

i prefer ranta over eli ngl
i changed my vote from atlas because i think his last string of posts was better than the previous ones

that said he should probably still die at some point
then again i can say that about half the game lol

explain why you think iā€™ll stay alive