Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

i still think the moose omgus is pretty bad so please don’t just let atlas off the hook once i’m gone
eli/ranta feel =rand to me


/vote Atlas @Host_Account_5 back at this for now might switch later

this game is such a shitpost
three button clicks on all three pack wolves
several slots not playing or barely playing


i’m not even going to feel bad if i’m wrong here because lol finding the lw
still think atlas’s posting is pretty bad all in all even if the recent posts were “better”

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Low bar

If the lost wolf ends up wining this game will be hard game will set a very high par for “memeist game” on fortress of lies

I just read this sentence and even I can’t understand it, apologies everyone.

dw i voted him again soon after

idk i feel like atlas omgusing moose and fearmongering when voted is pretty outing in the current scenario

also he keeps implying i won’t die in the night and idk where he’s getting that idea
though he hasn’t answered me yet

I literally say we just kill Eli since I never want him in F3 here

skill issue

Yeah I kinda agree tbh

Eli or atlas are best choices if no one wants to vote marl.

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ik but it does describe yourself imo

what did eli ever do to be townread, this is reminding me of when u townread me D1 after I did literally nothing

atlas did omgoose



/vote ranta @Host_Account_5

the vicious cycle
join FM > get demotivated in FM game > do nothing > get more demotivated > join new FM game because i think it looks fun > get demotivated in FM game > do nothing…


Who do you want in f3?