Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

ok so i just skimmed and u didnt actually say u townread eli

thank god

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one very consistent thing with my reads is that i give a bad townread to at least one wolf each game and sometimes multiple

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basically same but squirrel instead of ash for me
none of them actually feel like hits though

im tempted to entertain ranta ybw wagons

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Oh, so you claim to be town??

Name every Town in the world.

That sounds like something I do as town tbh.

You have 23 seconds

My issue with vulgard is just

They feel incredibly off, and I can sense it but I don’t know how to describe it, I had the same feeling after reading like, half of their iso


probably because i don’t really have my footing in this game
an entire day phase is about to pass and i barely trust anyone

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my issue was that it doesn’t feel like he cares about his reads but i’m realizing this aura can come from town him because of his “townstreak” and also his claim that he gave early reads out just to get the game going

trust me
take a leap of faith

Fair tbh

by the way i still strongly think min is town

their paranoia and concern that they’ve accidentally let wolf me escape matches with their questioning of my treatment of squirrel
he’s clearly looking at my posts under a magnifying glass


blizer has improved with his solving around wagons today imo

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True tho

This is why I have zero idea what to say about the top wagons, LMAO

IDK if sulit is writting a wall post or not

but they dipped after i asked them a question

i even had butter

Besides ash, I think ashs posting makes sense for someone who doesn’t really read besides what’s in the thread in real-time but like that doesn’t help me lots because unfortunately town does that sometimes

weird thing i noticed, cause arctic was a good boi and put in the post number of the vote

Atlas voted Ash, and then marl voted squirrel two posts later

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min is now voting vulgard, Crich is not voting moose

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i remember seeing this interaction earlier
applying early pressure to a random slot is how i took it, seems ok, and YBW had an ok response to it
reason i’m bringing this up is just, if one of them is a wolf the other one probably isn’t imo
it would be a little unusual for a wolf to make partnery jokes with their partner right at the start of the game because i think generally they’re too self-conscious of having something like that taken seriously

this is the post that seems to have set squirrel off
i don’t particularly like ash’s post here but i didn’t read it as more than a meme tbh
it does sort of look performative and i’m not sure what it was supposed to accomplish

now that i’m looking at it again, their crossvoting is kinda weird
like yeah i think squirrel voted ash as policy but ash just omgused it
not sure what to make of it but their votes are still on each other, meaning squirrel’s vote isn’t just policy and ash’s vote isn’t just omgus
i would think if they were w/w they’d have hopped off each other by now because they’re both top wagons and it would be incredibly bad for them to let the wagons stick long enough that they’re forced to bus each other as antispew

this is basically saying what i assumed, squirrel’s vote is probably policy

squirrel is explaining he’s voting for policy
no surprises there
idk why it makes sense to vote someone claiming vt as a serious vote, though, unless you actually scumread them

i’m willing to give this some town points because ash openly admits they don’t know what squirrel’s vote would actually accomplish

…except that ash is still voting squirrel now

i don’t really know what ash’s read on arctic is but someone brought up that YBW also said the same thing about arctic’s openwolfing so lol?
idk maybe i’m wrong about reading the first interaction as not w/w, but would two wolves post the same thing about the same slot anyway?
the thing is that it’s a hedgy read and not in the way that i said i was scumreading arctic but not voting him (i think i was actually the one who mentioned he wants openwolfing to be NAI btw)
this is literally just not a read, there’s no conclusion, it’s just hedge going both ways

including themselves in their readlist is bizarre btw
especially like that
i’d policy vote it for the emojis

ash’s squirrel read was that squirrel’s vote on them was opportunistic, but also that ash didn’t know what the purpose of being opportunistic would be, when asked by blizer what they thought squirrel’s vote accomplished
“intentionally NAI” is an interesting description
i don’t know if i’d describe someone policy voting a vt claim and then keeping the vote there “intentionally NAI” but i should probably iso squirrel after this to see if there’s more to it

also very curious which of crich’s posts ash liked
i want examples

i agree with the anonymoose read but the part about “surely a wolf would at least try” reads like ash is forcefully trying not to lock moose as scum, rather than having any reason not to just want to yeet moose off the face of the earth
and yet ash is still voting squirrel despite their moose read sounding like it’s lower in their reads

i find ash’s interactions with arctic to come off as focused on trivial points
openwolfing for example, which as i said when i brought it up, is NOT related to arctic’s alignment
and yet somehow it became a focal point for some people to use as reasoning for their scumread on him i think? idk it’s weird how the context got completely demolished so i guess next time i won’t mention it lmao

but ash clearly hasn’t looked for reasons why crich is a wagon yet
you’d think it would concern them more since their own wagon is competing with squirrel’s and crich’s
but they just seem satisfied sitting on the squirrel wagon and letting the crich wagon exist despite not knowing why it exists
idk if their motivation to examine the other wagons really exists

why is atlas still voting ash from RVS lmao