Pokemon Xros Wars Game Over Mafia Victory

ya like if town just decided to pop off, not sure wolves had much of an answer for it
i think the biggest factor is that wolves also had to switch out pokemon like town, and not having all their abilities available every night, made them super weak

Dude when I knew Olivest/Dum/Neon/KT contained only 1 of Stella’s partner I was like.

Well it probably isn’t Neon or KT, Olivest and Dum had weird treatment with Stella.

But it was KT.

mmm i dont think that was a big issue since everyone but jarek had a gated ability

the biggest factor was just that town had a bunch of kp that wolves had super limited control over

also like a strongman, and a one shot loverizer isn’t enough KP to control anything
I am still heavily surprised u didn’t give them some kind of vig or poisoner

Opposite actually.
Least for me and Neon.

There would be no reason to do that.
KT was in a good position even if it looked bad cause Dum was suspicious of them.

like the only extra death wolves controlled, was LLD’s pokemon dying with Raj,

did you even read endgame no part of this is true

KT/Bean always had a wolf because of Bean’s claim, and i think a lot of people were ready to go KT over Bean

Chat do we need to learn more about Mike Trout

Town KP hits town 99% of the time here.

Town also played really badly while the wolves played really well.

this is entirely independent of the quality of the setup (& also demonstrably untrue, i think the actual ratio was 13 to 4? which is still really bad but not that extreme)

I don’thg know how anyone was even considering the possibility of KT being town honestly.

Yes please.

Yeah. I was exaggerating a bit there and I agree that it’s independant of the quality of the setup which is why I do think it could be considered townsided on other sites.

the quality of a setup is entirely divorced from the meta of the site it is played on

this should be accounted for in review but in this case it does not excuse the fact that this setup was an absolute nightmare to wolf in where basically everything had to go wrong for town for us to have a chance

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I disagree that the sidedness of a setup can be divorced from site meta or playerlist quality but I also think that ‘town used its killing abilities primarily on other villagers’ is an example of ‘town playing badly’ more than ‘the setup being wolfsided’


Tbf me jar and raj has vig shots built to shoot town a lot of the time

jar’s was not and yours and raji’s were acknowledged as design flaws so i’m not sure what point you’re making

yeah this is more what i was trying to get at

Do you think duality of actual gunsmith and vig would have been better?