Pokemon Xros Wars - Signups (16/16) {CLOSED}


Manuel Like



thats what a secret alt account would say

Laughs You caught me. Holds paws up

ladies and gentlemen
we got her

Gets taken to Leafeon jail

I am the alt of THEGator.
Shocking, I Know.

Seth’s roles are Gator Garbage.

(Only TOS users would get that reference.)

6 Years ago now.

I’ve had to stop myself from making multiple jokes in this thread because the lack of dopamine would hurt

this post would be funny but because i can’t like it it’s just sad


you know this is why i call it gatorposting

Curious now if being signup blacklisted prevents me from hydraing with someone after Seth suggested that I hydra with him. My guess is yes but I’m not 100% sure.


Ah. That’s what I thought but I just wanted to be sure. Thanks for replying so fast. You’re the best Chloe.

This looks… horrifying.

(That’s my professional opinion)