Poor Approximations of Catgirls - Thread 1

Okay we can skip this part since people are getting aggro at me for reading it as spew. I still do, but whatever.

Above are multiple examples of how Vulgard is keeping Illwei at a distance. For a normal mafia player this would probably be percieved as wolfy, but Vulgard is making very sure his interactions with the wolves are intentionally in their face, look at this:

Vulgard is this obvious about distancing and hinting about knowing her being a wolf.

Let’s pre-flip Marshal just to say Vulgard has treated her similarly:

And him being in the faces of the wolves is exactly why I think he got killed. The way he talked about illwei showed he had no interest in them, compared to at least 1 proven wolf that Vulgard went full force to distance. Probably 2. I might even be so bold to guess he voted all of the wolves at some point. That means people he naked voted like Hippo and Squirrel are in a bad position as well.

Tldr; Had Illwei been a wolf, Vulgard would some kind of push on them, or at least acknowledged them in one way or another, but instead he simply ignored Illwei until Illwei asked about his Alana push.

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Im ok with early hammer too but i cant do any deep dives of things i wanted to until later tonight irl

And i’d love to do that in case i do go poof

But if u guys get impatient i dont blame u



idm waiting for chleb to do chleb things

friendship ended with chloe
new friend is murdering marshal


I predict that effort will convince exactly no one because those asking already had a set idea on illwei being a wolf and just wanted to press my for the same ??? reasons I was pressed yesterday.

Are you mechanically limited in what you can say

Do you have some sort of post-restriction

thanks wisdom
can you give your strongest town and wolf reads respectively

hammering is fun and i will do it if i get the opportunity i shouldn’t be trusted with button clicking abilities
chloe is cool tho i like chloe

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Comparing illwei/vul interactions to Vul’s interactions with someone who hasn’t even flipped yet as an argument for it not being w/w is based as fuck lmao


Translate this to a ESL
What does based mean in this context?

i am not sure how convinced i am by this
because i didnt wolfread her so much as go wtf is this and didn’t think it was towny anymore

i do see your point about how vulgard is treating wolves and i wouldn’t expect him to just randomly Not Do That for a particular wolf especially illwei who isn’t likely to endgame when i look at threadstate

based = ballsy valid cool etc

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But yeah I just noticed how there were similarities in how Vulgard treated both Alana and Marshal and if wolves killed him because he was a “threat” I’d wager that spews Marshal w.

Strongest town:
Arctic (Although I noticed Vulgard treated him similarly to Alana/Marshal so I might reconsider this at some point)

Strongest wolf:

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yes, 250 posts per day at max


I’m gunna sit on this for a bit
I do think you raise a valid point but her individual play tips the scale into the wolfy side still

Ty for your wisdom

Was literally just going to ask if you found anyone vul treated similar to alana/marshal

Just arctic?

I’m fine with waiting for you to do whatever because luckily marl talked himself out of saving marshal so I don’t have to worry about that
Not that he’d be able to convince anyone anyway
He probably only has like 30 posts left anyway

Well yes that’s usually how it works, people will ask you to explain why you think someone is [alignment 1] if they think that player is [alignment 2]

Anyway as for what you actually pointed out, it’s not really convincing but I can see why you have this idea based on Vulgard’s treatment of wolves which have flipped so far. The problem is there are going to be some wolf slots which he pressed massively and others which he didn’t which we just don’t know about yet, and the same applies to village slots. This stuff alone isn’t enough to sell me on illwei v tbh, do you think there’s anything about illwei’s play itself which is actually villagery? Because for me to be confident enough to clear a slot based on spew alone, it would have to be something massively convincing/blatant and there’d also have to be a lot of it, but these interactions are pretty weak

well yeah this is kinda what i’m getting at lol
i know vulgard pushed heavily against both wolves and villagers, so i’m also convinced he ignored both some wolves and some villagers


I’m better at solving some people through others than directly looking at them.
That said, you might be right and I might be wrong.
I’m just a god who can’t read so don’t expect anything from me.

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Wisdom your pfp is cute btw

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