Popcorn - Turboer Edition (Mafia wins)

The skeleton appears

I feel like you choose Eliza if you think YOU’RE polarised and you want somebody who won’t notice right away

Cause she doesn’t even read everything

You can kill the skeleton by throwing yourself at the wall at terminal velocities, I’ve heard.

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Can you throw me at the wall at terminal velocity

I like your second thought but the first thought jsut doesnt hold to me. When I mindmelded with u I did bc I looked at the playerlist and immediatley thoguht “i feel like only bionic/ash would give eliza the gun”, but then I thought about ti more and I feel like they wouldn’t immediatley look at eliza as the gunbearer, I feel like they would still go the usual route of picking someone easily townread (which in my brain would prob be like you or magnus) and the fact neither of u were chosen immediatley makes me go “Hmm, that’s weird”

Who the fuck is immediayely townreading me I get mischopped like every game

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I challenged Litten to the Mario Odyssey bingo and he never picked up the phone, or answered the doorknocker.

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Tbf I haven’t read any games recently but my gut just says this is wrong

Poor Magnus, winning by no appearance

YBW I had a streak of getting mischopped every towngame for like SEVEN GAMES STRAIGHT

People don’t know how to townread me unless I’m a wolf

U getting mischopped does not appear on ur mental profile for me, u being nervous as a wolf and way mroe confident as a town does

I don’t think ur like super wolf but like I also was able to find u town really easily in KRC, I hope that will eventually be the same

Ik how to townread u

FoL town non hydra games

I don’t see what u mean at all

LFoL I was shot N1 by town

May has been dying every towngame recently and they’re a little salty about it because nobody’s realising their reasons for scumreading are wrong.

In any case, assuming that May and I are both evil because neither of us received the gun doesn’t work because then we just give Tutuu or yourself the gun instead of mocking the decision, why not talk up the scumteam’s intelligence like they are so smart and brilliant yep; and if it was just one of us, it’s NAI since the other one could’ve been given the gun and just wasn’t.


Vampire the masquerade I was scumread ALL GAME and then I got fucking CONVERTED so everybody was retroactively right despite being WRONG AND BAD

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