Popcorn - Turboer Edition (Mafia wins)

im on mobile blame the game not the player

I’m on mobile too.
Just git gud.

I’m gonna need paper and pencil for this.
Please hold.

Hi I’m here but arguing sounds really boring so I’m not going to do it

If you have any questions let me know but I am bored of arguing

Currently leaning towards shooting YBW, but I’m trying to dissect everything just in case.
I really don’t want benguined to annihilate me like he did to Someone in I’ll Catch You.

I do think my point about the fact i made what would have been the -EV play if i was a eolf almost every chance i got and i explained that thoroughly while May had to go back and explain that their posts “couldnt come from wolf them” even thoigh obviously all of them could and thry also made some posts look eayyy townier than they actually are. I didnt do that bc my posts are toeny and i assume u can see that, like i dont need to go back and sau “toeny post” bc u can iso me urself and im assuming u will. I eant u to make the right choice here

Ok, I’m gonna commit to the YBW shot. I’ve backread everything thoroughly, and I think I believe in a v!May world more than I believe in a v!YBW world.

/Shoot YouButWorse. @Atlas @Arctic

See ya’ll on the other side.


“Collateral damage can be justified, if the gain outweighs the cost.”

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YoubutWorse has been shot.

She was...



"Only thing that matters are the words ‘Mission Accomplished.’ The sooner I hear those words, the sooner I can go home and get back to being me."

Eliminate every member of the Mafia.


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Congratulations to...

@May and @Tutuu

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Well, dang it.
Incredibly sorry, YBW.

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All good, i wouldve shot me too. Sorry i couldnt have been more active

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good game
thanks for playing


Dark Souls text Hellbus Successful


You’re good, you’re good.
The thing that cemented it for me was May saying that they tunneled Bionic because they wanted their D1 joke to be true, and that was exactly what I did as town to Someone in Paradox Hazard.

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We gave Eliza the gun because we knew her schedule would stall the game out BTW

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I think the lack of interactions between may and tutuu was damning but it also kind of depened on how u viewed it

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i didn’t expect to see may tryhard the f3 of a 48 hour popcorn game more than i’ve seen them tryhard anything before