Popcorn3 🍿 - TOWN VICTORY!

I swear only like 2 ppl have actually expressed an opinion on who mafia is lmak

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And Eliza omgusd but im not counting that

I have no idea i can’t do reads

Shoot someone not talking much ig?

Can you at least attempt to?

I’ve tried in other games and they weren’t accurate

Then what do you intend on doing for the rest of this game?

talk like ive been talking so far, if i get shot, the person better give me instructions on who to shoot next

idk i

felt like it was a mistake that people make a lot

when multiple people make the same mistake it annoys me i want them to stop making that mistake. and the mistake is also ego stroking and i want them to stop ego stroking

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I think people want to play the game like things have happened
Things have not happened
I think badeline comes off as towny from the exchange. Eliza is elizaing I have no notes there


There are three dead players. There is absolutely information worth analyzing.

I’d like the say the people who have just generally been trying to murder other people are towny fearing god makes mafia quiet in popcorn. They want to be in the background so they do not get murdered

hi pandora

There are three dead players and they died like 2 seconds into the game
People want to think theres information there which is why they’re trying to murder each other. That is good. That makes information. That information is that those people are towny. Discussion of that information will lead us to whos scummy. That is good. The world is healing

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I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.

The early deaths don’t mean much on their own and the material that the dead players generated doesn’t matter much either because of how early it was. The fact that those people died so soon has made everything messy. It looks like theres alot more to analyse than there is because we’ve jumped ahead
The gamestate will now make its way back to where its supposed to be and all will be good in the world. But there isn’t much to actually analyse from those deaths


I’m kind of a philospher. Mafia philospher. Game theory