Popcorn3 šŸæ - TOWN VICTORY!

im trying not to get annoying but i am really not happy with how this game turned out and not only because we lost


i am with u completely

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yeah this game was uh


like i cannot state how unfun this game was because of the players in it (u did great hosts sorry it turned out like this) just Not Playing that i probably wont be playing mafia for a bit except in special circumstances because i dont want a game to turn out like this


ik we arenā€™t a competitive site but this is still a mafia site. like can we at least play the game that we agreed to play

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Eliza i mean this in the nicest way possible but you are part of the problem I am and was referring to


@Badeline sorry for shooting you! I thought Bionic / Eliza / Someone / Otter were all town and my POE remained with you + Rue, and I leaned you more wolfy over Rue bc the ā€œthereā€™s a wolf in Icet / Someoneā€ felt like pushing an agenda. MB I def shouldve waited for discussion before snap shooting

i know

see you could have said literally any of this in the thread an we would have understood


[quote=ā€œIcetFeelsPain, post:373, topic:6952, full:trueā€]

To defend myself I did list out my thought process but I can understand it being really hard to follow

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more than anyone im mad at bionic because i tried to give him multiple hooks in the thread and then he just refused to take any of them

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Iā€™m really sorry for not being here for the first 22 hours. I didnā€™t know it started and I was sick when it started so I was super surprised when Gar DMed me and said ā€œhey lol youre not meeting prodsā€

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i get what u mean but u didnt explain why at all or give myself a chance to defend myself which is frustrating to me bc it felt like u didnt read the game at all when you shot me and i was also given practically nothing to do with your slot bc you had 4 actually game relevant posts total

I dont think i wouldve been as mad if you actually gave time to discuss or explained your townreads


Im not mad about that bc tbh it happens and the game start was sort of confusing if u werent paying attention

Its just all that happened after, hope u can understand what i mean


Thatā€™s fair sorry for ruining your experience! In the future Iā€™ll try to do better

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If it makes you feel better the whole ā€œruining my experienceā€ thing wasnt just you :joy_cat:


so should we have stronger activity requirements or should we just destigmatize public shaming [HUMOR]

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670 posts is enough for an entire popcorn game, but not enough @chloeā€™s iso in D2 of a mash

weird how that works

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Chloe doesnā€™t have a single post in this game thatā€™s kinda fucked up chloe

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