Popcorn3 🍿 - TOWN VICTORY!

this is like actually the logic people are going to use pls no

mango wouldve hit that though

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shooting hippo wasn’t really that bad of a shot
sure shooting mafia was great
but hippo had great reads

shooting that early at all was silly

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i will burn this place to the ground to get my lemonade

yeah I think more so they went about it was objectively bad
hippo is a great player the shot itself was fine but they literally said that they were hoping they got the gun to get out of the game quick and that they were in 4 games at once which is Wild

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hippo snapshooting leafia tho was based af


literally half the game either trolled or didnt play this wasnt fun



it happens
wait in stores for Popcorny 4: Salvation
i’ll make it normal so orange can join for once


you be talking like that bout the goat ?! #1 town player 2003 ?? you crazy he just got unlucky. if hippo was scum and then achro shot 3 more scum afterwards he wouldve carried


in final 6 we had 3 people who had zero reads

only one of those people were mafia
like what do you even do at that point

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he was the greatest mafia player 20 years ago agreed

so true someone nominate achro for employee of the motnh


so true someone give achro my bank account details

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ftr he couldnt shoot 4 in a row, max 2
the first person you gave the gun to would have 2 max shots on scum and then they could be vengekilled

you think maf would dare vengekilling the goat ?!


I mean technically he could if mafia didn’t kill him

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oh forgive me
i was mistaken