and also playing stuff like “its not out of their scum range” i think is kinda flawed, almost every post people make are not going to be out of a person’s scum range, you just have to look at the agenda people are pushing adn if they make generally towny posts compared to scummy posts, and even then you could still be wrong. Mafia is just a game of guessing at the end of the day.

Looking at interactions though, which I believe is one of the best way to read people, I feel comfortable saying that kiiruma spewed Achro town and I’m going to continue to hold that belief until a situation where it would be inappropriate (lylo)

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i’m headed out today and won’t be around for deadline but don’t have much to add

I’m still pretty confident one of YBW / Magnus gave Litten the gun bc they thought it was funny

i want the gun so i can shoot every last person here and then myself

like serously what is this post :sob:

Alright, let’s do this

This EoD I’m not going to be leading, I’ll just be hanging out and seeing what people say, if you have cases to push, townreads to defend, etc. and want to influence the shot at all, feel free to speak up.

We can also have a group meditation session where no one says anything and I shoot my target at the end, that works too!!

shoot within catbae/nuto/icet/sultan imo

I think 2-3 wolves are in that list

Why catbae?

not a lot of great posts imo and other people are townier

idk, I think catbae is kind of cleared town with how many pot shots they’ve picked up from random PoE slots

My spicy take is that they’re even more likely to be town than Achro

also skimmed througj th e beginning of his iso to find examples and completely forgot how he prevoously TR me for like 2 posts and kept it up for a while until recently where he started pushing on me

wdym pot shots from random poe town?

I could just be skill issueing, and it’s harder to read given lack of flips, and I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to lock down a read there this early.

But like, catbae is a strong TR

I said PoE slots, not PoE town

yea i mispoke
still have no idea what u mean tho

and again, at the end of the day jsut shoot who you want to shoot

id even loke if you could shoot me bc i think im rigjt on most of my reads and nobody seems willing to shoot them so ill have to do it myself

I guess it’s just you and Magnus

Sultan and icet both TR catbae and nuto hasn’t even talked about him

catbae has been pushing you since day 1

i dont see how that makes them “cleared town” at all and i still really dont understand what you mean by pot shots from random poe slots