Litten asked me a question. I asked Litten a question in turn to help solidify my own answer. What’s the worst that could happen?

If town i am not understanding you right now tbh

…why do you need litten’s read on achro to solidify your answer?

The difference between here and Strategem is that there are no personal consequences to be had here, whereas in that game I was not in the right headspace to play. Other than that, there should be similarities between this and that.

I was thinking tales of the abyss

You seem stiff and combative over things right now. You have people asking you probing questions and you shut that down? Very unlike you.

Litten’s confirmed good and while I think he’s a good player, he has a habit of not opening up about his thoughts. I don’t think he was trying to get me to take a side, but was trying to get my input.

Usually i ask magnus a question and get an answer

Not whatever the above was.

Which you didnt give

Sure. I just wanted to have a chat with Litten.

Idk feels like next level strats

‘If i am combative with the gun holder he wont shoot me’ type thinking from a wolf

Because why not just answer as town

What did Icet say earlier? I completely glazed over their posts, I’m going to reread all that.

i’m not a mind reader but i’d wager a cookie that the purpose of litten asking that question was to sort you which makes your whole response very ??? to me

i can’t actually wrap my head around it making sense from either alignment really i’m just kind of puzzled as to what you’re doing

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Icet feels pure.

I’m not going to argue Litten’s position, but given that he was theorising about me being town trying to bait the gun earlier (I was not trying to bait the gun), and joked about shooting Achro several times, I would wager that cookie.

Where does YBW come into this?

If the gun-holder asks you a question, you answer it

this single post

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Gotcha. That reasoning checks out.

This post comes across as snippy.

you owe cat a cookie

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