That’s true.

A wolf just said this line to me over on MU after i caught him.

i don’t think that post from kiiruma answers for me how achro is “powerwolfing” but i’m not sure if kiiruma is defining it differently than me. if you’re using the same definition as me. i think at any rate the explanation tracks decently for me and i believe it’s a real thought process

the way the thread is approaching achro is weird to me and i’m not sure what it means b/c i somewhat doubt the scum gameplan was to go into day 1 and push achro to get him shot out of paranoia

i do have…concerns with some things but i’m withholding judgment for now


There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

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I largely agree with this so far. Want to chat more with kiiruma but i dont think icet or ybw’s approaches to me so far are wolf motivated.

what about em I also agreed :sob:


You were the trailblazer

Dont let them steal your shine.

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I actually agree with the premise that the first shot should be motivated by the need for information, and not by some tinfoil theory. Shooting me is reasonable, although less so from my own perspective.
Throwing an alternative target out there… Madeline. She claimed evil, her shot request is textbook and bland, she didn’t properly read the thread enough to notice Nuto’s entry but still threw out a townread on Achro, which suggests she was kinda skipping through the thread like there was no need to scour every post. If Madeline had specifically ISO’d Achro there, she wouldn’t have known who had and hadn’t read the thread. It comes across as rushed. Her advantages are that she asks more direct probing questions, which seem to have a consciousness behind them, towards everyone she interacts with…
…Her last post was snippy, I stand by that, but nevermind. The questions feel extremely pro-town and seem to have a soul.

I legitimately can’t tell if these evil claims are more likely to come from good or evil.
There’s a safety net for good players wanting to claim evil, so there is that.

This is in-character for v!Lol, I think.

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I don’t yet know Nuto’s v!meta when it comes to Mafia, although I would happen to have a social deduction meta on Nuto. For a different formula, but still.
He does like to go along with the flow when he’s evil a lot. With that said, his vote on me does fit the bill, although I believe they’ve shown paranoia about me before. Furthermore, if one of his teammates was being pushed, he would likely quietly agree and go along with it.

Who was here before? Achro / YBW / Catbae / Icet / Kiiruma.

I’ll leave reading YBW to someone else, I missed her terribly in XVI. I don’t think I know her town meta, and I’m not sure what I’m meant to look out for. YBW just looks good anyway.

i know i do :smirk:

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I’m no fashion expert.

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Naked reads list time!!!

Here’s where I’m at.







I will only accept questions from people that post their top 4 scum reads!
If you don’t have that many, then come back to talk to me when you do

New users can only put one embedded media item per post???

This is outrageous. What is this?

Anyway here’s the heart I wanted to include in my previous message:


cringe readlist tbh

You should totally show me how it’s done then!!

I should, remind me in approximately like 10 hours bc i got hw then im goin to bed

ok so ive been thinking about the setup, dont we just autowin if we find 2 townies? last i remember playing this kinda setup mafia also had a 1-shot factional they could use to counter that but i might also be going insane and misremembering

seems a bit townsided

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