as in it becomes very easy to clear people

anyway i’m probably gunna be busy the rest of the night so don’t expect much more from me, tag me if you have any questions

i may just shoot anyway

I can confirm that Crazy and I are unpartnered.



Nuto is probably correct. I wouldn’t want to check over his every post like a controlling freak, but Mafia chat would probably have at least a few hundred posts between just us two by now. I think their point is that me flipping Mafia should clear him, in response to Icet’s scumreads. Nuto was trying to get me shot yesterday. The stuff about rambling “all day” is an exaggeration, I’d imagine he’s specifically thinking about EOD.

I wanna say Nuto’s unpaired with Icet, then.

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…I can’t be confident in this. Nuto knows how to do wolf theatre. It’s just something to keep in mind.

The game title is even more painful to look at, I’m suffering.

Guys I think CD might be frozen.

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i still wouldnt shoot him yet but yea I do agree
if he is town he should really start posting more

You’re still honing in on Madeline, yep. Has Kiiruma’s flip changed any of your reads?

i havent looked back yet (ive really been meaning to), but from the just the flip not really.

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So you’re still scumreading Achro?

right now yes, same with amdeline

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@Litten these next 24 hours have been super productive.

just keep shooting poe

dont shoot achro dont shoot magnus dont shoot ice maybe dont shoot catbae everything else fair game imo

why not Catbae the guy just defended a wolf

that’s in his suck range



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both are accurate tho

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