I’m ISOing now

Have people disagreeing on YBW

Would like to see people address the points brought up by other people wrt YBW

answering a fav video game is hard for me because most games for me are 1 and done or like i have a few yaers with em but then i forget about em so i dunno how to internally rank that, i dont think about that really

for instance, i have hundreds of hours in left 4 dead 2 and i really enjoyed that time a lot but everyone i played with doesnt play it anymore and the game got stale after a while

for an “evergreen” type of game i would honestly say tetris, which is an incredibly bring answer but honestly tereis never gets old for me, i can boot up a game anytime and it’s always enjoyable

anyway right now i’m gunna go play fire emblem

I dont think depth of thought is the best way to read a slot depending on the player. A lack of it can be wolf indicative but it is unreliable in my experience.

ftr im a bit out of it and preoccupied on top of that so if my opinion is super important for some reason dont shoot yet cuz i havent done much today

hi am busy rn but i saw i was pinged like 8 times by madeline and that she has the gun now which is cringe bc i scumread her

my favorite ice cream is chocolate w/ fudge and brownies and my favorite videogame is a tie between Hollow Knight and Half Life Alyx

my response to catbae calling all of my reads unelaborated is that like no one asked for elaboration and the questions i asked (like ehy is kiiruma tr) literally never got answered. I didnt reslly have a chance to elaborate on much of my reads bc no one wa really engaging with me on them besides achro imo

anyway bye for the next while i just wanted to see who litten shot

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Will you be active today?



I would really like if people could suggest an anti-pairing they believe strongly in

Magnus/catbae because catbae spotted the same awkwardness at the same time i did about magnus’s read on catbae

yeah probably im just doing stuff with my partner rn, it will be like today where i was only axtive near the end bc shot deadline is 2pm my time

I’m going to be busy tomorrow, so I’m planning on shooting tonight, right now you’re my target, so if you could be more active tonight, I’d really appreciate it


I’m here! Was doing stuff


Excited to have you here!!

Talk to me for a bit?

How much of the game have you read?

Just skimming through what I’ve seen since I posted last.

I kinda agree that Achro is likely a wolf, but if you shoot him it’s very very likely he shoots me and we lose.

Also favorite Ice Cream is Ambrosia (a local place sells it, like’s like honey and nutty and great)

And favorite Video Game probably is either Celeste or Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling.

And no I’m not simping, I got the collector’s edition on my shelf right now haha

The worst part about being trans is having to remember to take your HRT every single day, twice a day, like wtf, who is organized enough for that??

Luckily taking it at a consistent time seems to not matter lol

Collector’s Edition of Celeste?


Why do you think Achro is a wolf btw?

Earlier it was his insistence that Magnus and I were wolves together, as it’s very improbable the way they and I were acting.

I know I read wolf, and that’s okay! But it was sorta part of my plan to get shot early and get suspicious of anyone who tried too hard to exe me. Magnus was decidedly neutral on that regard, and I think I trust them for it.

Why do you think that people trying to get you shot are more likely to be wolves though?

What posts from you and magnus are unpairing iyo

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