Do you have much experience with lol?

How much have you two played together before?

Achro is honestly slowly convincing me.

Maybe them or IcetFeelsPain, or catbae. Haven’t had enough interactions to really put a good sticker on anyone.

I initially thought Kiiruma was pretty solid, and look how that went lol

And if not ybw then nuto goes 4th i guess

I like how they turned looking for not w/w into ‘wait magnus is sus’ but could just be good scum play

Magnus/catbae hard unaligned tho.

I think 3 games, one where they were a wolf who died day 2 because they were bad.

Most of my memory is coming from love is war

Never played with them offsite?

Catbae and i also come from love is war and we had a hellacious fight in that game where i eventually came to understand him. He could be highly skilled as scum but magnus read of him came off really unpartnered and with bae’s response to it.

Oh actually i did just get out of a mash with lol

Hard to compare mash play. We were both town and we won!

Haven’t played a ton in general, but I like to fake claim a lot and only be truthful to one person. If I’m a role that doesn’t mind dying, I’ll usually claim as something vaguely powerful just to get the heat off of any powerful roles, and vice versa if I’m a powerful role.

If you got a green check on lol right now, what would your new team be?

Can you do your best to help me solve as much as possible today?

You seem really nice and I want to get the chance to solve with you, since I might just miss my shot and die lol

Kind of open ended, want to see what you come up with!!

I’d be happy to! Just ping me or reply to me when you want my attention, my mind is wandering a bit atm lol

I kind of need you to be self-directed on this, imagine that the fate of the game rests on your shoulders, if you solve it, we win! If you don’t, we lose.

I believe in you!


Does green lol mean green magnus

No could just be a skill issue

Magnus/ybw/nuto in order which doesnt feel great. I guess it could be a distancing play with cd and i have wolf magnus’s intent wrong.

I probably should iso when i feel up to it

Alrighty I’ll make a post in like an hour or so detailing my thoughts on everyone.

How long do you have?

@SultanOfSlam replaces CorruptedDreamer.

Do not discuss replacements.





i know sultan very well from gamefaqs. Game just got hyped!!!

I have time, just find as much as you can!


Well i have paid small attention but ill catch up.

And try my best.

Excited to have you!

Catch up ASAP, and let me know your thoughts!