Just skimming through what I’ve seen since I posted last.

I kinda agree that Achro is likely a wolf, but if you shoot him it’s very very likely he shoots me and we lose.

Also favorite Ice Cream is Ambrosia (a local place sells it, like’s like honey and nutty and great)

And favorite Video Game probably is either Celeste or Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling.

And no I’m not simping, I got the collector’s edition on my shelf right now haha

The worst part about being trans is having to remember to take your HRT every single day, twice a day, like wtf, who is organized enough for that??

Luckily taking it at a consistent time seems to not matter lol

Collector’s Edition of Celeste?


Why do you think Achro is a wolf btw?

Earlier it was his insistence that Magnus and I were wolves together, as it’s very improbable the way they and I were acting.

I know I read wolf, and that’s okay! But it was sorta part of my plan to get shot early and get suspicious of anyone who tried too hard to exe me. Magnus was decidedly neutral on that regard, and I think I trust them for it.

Why do you think that people trying to get you shot are more likely to be wolves though?

What posts from you and magnus are unpairing iyo

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In my head a wolf would be a bit more…accepting with a random person getting shot? Especially as I’m relatively new, and I’d stated earlier I was easily convinced I believe.

This is the one I’m talking about btw

(Which is a little unfortunate that her game company has her deadname in it. Wish I could get a reprint haha)

Omg, I’m jealous

Why do you view yourself as random. You had terrible eods

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You said yourself that you haven’t really seemed townie though, so how come you think that someone pushing for you to get shot is more likely to be a wolf rather than a town that thinks you’re a wolf because you don’t seem townie?

I’m a bit confused at what makes them terrible.

'Why arent you and magnus w/w"

Nuto: smoke bomb and disappears

Similar to day 1. You were very shifty

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I mean, I have a life and a job. The game started at 3 pm for me xD So EoD is in the middle of my busy day.

Earlier I was grocery shopping. Life gets in the way but I responded when I was pinged. I wouldn’t hold it against you.

And here, I wanted to make myself easy pickings to see who tried to convince Litten the hardest.

Since I know if I get shot, I don’t die, I figured a wolf might be a bit more aggressive than the average townie. I honestly expected Litten to shoot me, where I then would turn on YBW or Achro.

Eh. sure i try to believe life reasons because wolves have lives too. Could just be bad timing of eod for you.

What are your thoughts on magnus independent of my read on you


Please answer this one too!

While maybe not the cleanest strategy, I’ve never played Popcorn before (and the other two games on this site I’ve played I was maf so I have no clue how town should play).

Ah sure one sec, gotta find the posts.