I don’t care about your scumread on me. I want to know your thoughts on other players.

I’ve not really seen much out of CD to know if he’d enjoy playing wolf or not. However, I do think he has a… aura to him that he feels kinda better than others? So if he was a wolf I feel like he’d be doing something

And even that scumread feels very undercooked.

Feels more like you’re projecting yourself as the abrasive, doesn’t care what people think type, while simultaneously trying to avoid actually pushing anyone too hard. Content to just townread people and then peace out - since that’s safer and less likely to get some pissy town revenge shooting you

Are you a believer that effort = town?

yes unless the person is an insane maniac

I see. So at worst for you his absence is likely ‘excused’ and it is null for him and being charitable he is rand town due to not feeling pressed to post. Do i have this right?

So in your view i am an ‘insane maniac’?

ok explain to me logically what is the point on having a read on more than like 3 people at this stage of the game

i could, if i wanted to, force myself to give slight town lean or scum lean on everyone but why would i

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How confident are you in your Achro scumread?


take is as a compliment

you, katze, marluxion, a lot of people from epic mafia fall into this category

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Well you did manage to mislynch me in love is war, so it checks out.

I am going to go look up something for lol brb

To advance the game, like, stating your thoughts, even if they’re slight, is how mafia works.

If everyone sits on their hands until they’re absolutely confident of something, then you don’t have a game.

What is your evidence for this btw. What scum game are you citing?

bro it literally says next to ur name best scum player

dude is acting like hes innocent most polarized townie

well sadly my playstyle is different if i find something ill share it

forcing reads is more likely to end up being wrong

Yeah but a title doesnt feel like a good reason to form a read on someone.

i didnt follow the game closely, but i was somewhat ative on the site during that time so i checked every now and then. i know you go insane is mafia too. we both know katze is great at mafia. marl i couldnt give you an example but hes always a maniac i know from zelda mash for example even if he was found early he was putting in work, and em’ers are self explanatory they are a different breed

i think its extremely valid that you would be a good wolf if people said you were the best wolf in a given year