Considering you wish to gain control of the gun and the thread.

gun and thread control is the most fun an achro can have

If your a killer it’s also probably more fun for you.

nah, I enjoy town more

I like both.

Killer one day, Innocent another.

question, why do you think i am inhibited from speaking on you just because we havent played before if at the same time you think i am suspicious?

Because your making reads and there wasn’t one on me yet.

Well as a bad guy I would just be making things up, wouldnt I?

What’s your point?

My lack of experience with you wouldnt much matter then. Feels like you could just be, you know, making things up yourself that you think sound good but when pieced together dont actually add up.

That’s the explanation I came up with to why you haven’t made a read on me yet.

yeah, but why would that be the reason for bad guy achro? it makes more sense for town achro. Feels a bit like tmi tbh

Since you’re making reads on serval people this early I’m just curious why I’m the exception here?
Or did you just need more from me?

like I can see a world where you know I am town, and you make that statement correctly because I am town, but then try to throw shade on my after.

I have a read now :smiley:

I said your wolf because of your control.

What is anti town about control? What if it is just confidence in my reads?

The reason is literally right here.

You even acknowledged it.

Well it’s the only thing that stands out for me right now that I can label as the most wolf thing.