Feels pretty shallow to me personally.

we’ll see what the gun girl has to say about it @Leafia

What’s shallow about it?
You kinda just asked who I suspect the most when it’s still too early for me to figure out.
So I told you.

You are quite controlling Achro aren’t you?

Greeting sirs and sirretes. My name is tutuu, and I am most definitely town. It’s 2 am. I have a train to catch in 3 hours. Ride for 8 hours. I’ll be in and out, trying to conserve my phone battery. Then I have an exam. The next day.Then train ride back home for 9 hours. Then I’m mostly free, just need to take a small detour to visit May’s mom.

Technically I have no control whatsoever.

I’m just going to drop it.
My read isn’t strong anyways but it’s the only thing I consider killer like so far.

I took a quick skim of the setup, and it would appear we have no info on day 1. I propose we wait for more info to be gathered.

VOTE: No execution

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Why are you not just weighing in on it yourself?

Why are you waiting to see what the person with the gun thinks?

Feels odd given your persona this game of someone who wears their reads on their sleeve

I think its optimal to policy shoot the achro slot when it’s at least one town death before lylo at the latest. Either theyre mafia so killing them is pog, or if theyre town they have the gun at lylo and i am hopeful they will shoot a bunch of wolves

Why Achro in particular?

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He tends to have accurate reads as town and endgame as wolf

What are your thoughts on min?

I did weigh in, but I am involving leafia because I like playing with her

Do you have a read on treasure?

lean scum for their reasoning not making sense, yeah

i’ve been sick all week but right this second i feel awesome what have i missed @leafia shoot someone soon

What about it?

If Abbi is here very game is different.

Story poster a kill Eliza gif, in which it feels like they would know Eliza would die if shot. Micro read, probably not correct.

Yay!!! Not at all!!!

Achro’s and Treasures interaction was long, but it didn’t feel forced or unpure. Granted, I skimmed over it :p.

This is gut town read by virtue of it just feeling so TuTuuy. I haven’t seen 22 rand scum yet tho >.<.

Correct and Townie mindset to have. I like this.

Why not Achro? Do you think they’re town?

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My reason makes sense no?
A killer wants to control thread to have the gunner kill other innocent players.

Not saying Innocent players can’t do it.
I’m saying out of everything I have seen so far, your immediate focus of control is the most suspicious.

Eh, that’s somewhat normal.
It’s testing to see reactions, so that more conclusions can be drawn