Post and i will tell you my off the cuff favorite mafia memory with you.

I enjoy getting carried by my Jingliu

tutuu out here insulting my intelligence smh


im still waiting for the may post


Sampo + Kafka is goated

no i mean the dream where i died


if anyone knows how raid calcs player level and days played you will have an idea how much stamina I have bought lolol

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i know
im just sayin my dreams arent super prophetic

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it came to me in a dream

do not doubt the will of the lord ybw

Pokemmo is a combination of all pokemon games gen 1 to 5 (literally mashed up, it needs their ROMs) combined in an mmo shell with all the stuff that comes with mmo like seeing people around you, talking, fighting, global market / auction housee, teams, events, etc


I do not have a Kafka :pensive:

And I don’t wanna spend money beyond like

the five dollar monthly thing and sometimes the battlepass

but yeah turned based gachas and mafia, manga etc are my jam because I can do them lying down usually so if I am sick I can just rest in bed.

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i told one of my irl friends about how u had a dream i died
and they were like
and i was like (not remembering fully)
“sometime while they live in the near future”
and they were like
“yeah u gotta maybe. push them off a cliff”

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that does sound pretty cool, but I might have burned myself out in pokemon throughout the years. I played it every day for about 10 years lmao


you gonna get DHIL in 2.0?

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this is like one of those self-fulling prophesy things
except in that the actions taken to PREVENT the prophesy lead to it coming true

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Fuck if I know

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but yeah I thought honkai was like genshin which i find a pain to play on my phone, but turn based is doable

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I get who the gacha gods say I get

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