Prehistoric Purgatory - Game Over: Town wins

As much as I would love to push moose

Keep in mind this is their first game so like

Not interacting isn’t that weird as you get used to how FM works?


…damnit. I forgot my own words.

Ah. Sorry. Thank you.

Then I’d ask where you are going with this, because I voted Moose out of random annoyance. (He just happened to post at the wrong time.)

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I know it’s no excuse but I never said that I would tell everyone my reads right away, only that I would write them down for myself for later. Emphasis on “for myself” until I’m sure I should tell others


If it’s their first game here and they’re getting used to everything, I’ll sit back and not be aggressive.

That’s just how my read is currently.

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Moose are you friends


Apologies for the mistake.


I’ll get the pronouns right, give me time.

Not missing it on purpose I’m zoned in on the game right now so my pace is heightened.

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No but I’d like to be their friend :)


This is me softing that Zone is my mafia partner.

Doing it to pop the spectators of this game.


It’s ok

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Why point this out?



Have you played anywhere else?

Would anyone else know you by any name?

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This is their first time ever playing FM, Iv played IRL mafia with them a few times

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Because it got a slight laugh out of me. I’m having fun so far this game.

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Never played FM before.

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I’d personally say that it’s “weird” but not something scummy enough for me to turn my half-hearted vote into a serious vote.

I haven’t read much from Trochi, but I am mildly interested in Aelin’s case, because “she hasn’t done something she did to me in the past games”.

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I say that whenever something not “understandle” or slightly sad happens to me so it’s not much of a indicator of anything lol

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i scroll down and this is the first post i see ewwww


Weird question: Have you ever psychoanalyzed me? I’m getting weird vibes from you from… “something I shouldn’t pay attention to.”

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