Prehistoric Purgatory - Game Over: Town wins

It’s mech, so sure I can see scum being able to post that.

Also Wazza can be known to be a townsiding wolf as I noticed last game, so probably not as powerful.

But I’m just going to toss it into town and re-eval when necessary.

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…wait. Why is my vote registered?
I thought only votes that tag the hosts are valid?

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if i didn’t count votes that didn’t tag the host then like 50% of votes won’t be counted

i’d prefer if you did tag the host but i’ll try to count all votes

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What if I told you I agreed with the vote after iso’ing Moose?

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As a thought exercise, how would you rank the four players who have posted less than 10 times, from towniest to scummiest?

I would rank Wazza, then lol, then Zone, then Moose.

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I’ll explain why in a second.

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wait does mafia get to join martyr chat what

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oh thank fuck

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No. It’s worse. 48 hours Hell. 48 hours Heaven. 24 hours Timeout. 5 RL days per phase.

Assuming we never hammer, then:

  • Town BCS: Send 3 mafia to hell → 12 RL days.
  • Mafia BCS: Send 3 mafia to heaven → 14 RL days.
  • JD Speedrun: Send 5 town to hell and heaven, and then wait for Judgement → At least 12 RL days.

Not really. I don’t feel any “vibes” from you at the moment, other than: “I don’t want to send you off since you are not a low poster.”

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can i ask why for those who think I’m scum? genuine question

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You have Derps saying this to Aelin…

Then Moose responds to it.

There’s 2 levels to why this is scummy.

The first level is an EpicMafia level 0 read called the “Pranay Rule” where scum will start the game off with a quote. Here it’s a response but it’s somewhat close to each other.

The second level is the fact that Moose is responding to Derps’ post directed towards Aelin, and he’s responding with a very basic meme.

Like two levels that show it’s a mafia member trying to get into a game comfortably.

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You’ve been around and mentioned how you’re going to read the game, but have not engaged with anyone at all.

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Having known them

That’s just something they would say lol

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I also take issue with that post coming after her responding to Zone’s vote with “understandable”.


Aelin and troch both seem fairly scummy to me.

  1. my response is that derps is my IRL friend so I am using them as a way to warm up to playing with everyone here

  2. “no thoughts, empty head” is a sort of memeish phrase that I use a lot when idk what is happening

  3. I didn’t realize I couldn’t respond to responses to other people?

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Oh, Moose is she/her.


Sorry for accidentally misgendering you.