Prehistoric Purgatory - Game Over: Town wins

fro example (bear with me cuz im probably wrong)

Currently, an association that I have picked up is that if Wazza or Brad are scum, then the other is likely one as well, however both have been read as town for now until further notice.
Additionally, there is a similar association with lucky and brad. So if one of the three come up as maf does that make it well within reason to assume that at least 2/3 are maf and perhaps 1/3 is getting played?
Am I just stupid?
I am just regurgitating old info?
Find out next time on dragon ball Z


yeah i do
i wanted to at least read some of the stuff i missed before i can post any actual content just announcing iā€™m back so people can direct questions/other shit at me if needed


thatā€™s one of those things that can be strong later on when people start flipping so it isnā€™t a bad thing. just not great early on with little to no info lol

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I was actually thinking the opposite. What led you to this conclusion?

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how new are you to mafia

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rue didnā€™t you mention it felt like lucky was pocketing brad? maybe thatā€™s what moose is picking up on?

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speaking of that i want you to answer this too
how new are you to fm or are you just from somewhere else

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IRL mafia with friends like a 80%-90 wr as both town and maf

Never played Forum Mafia, so I have no real tactics since it is a longer game and I cant see how ppl react in real-time

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Is it stupid to assume that Porscha isnā€™t scum since they are also newer? or nah

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yes assuming someone is or isnā€™t scum just because theyā€™re new is stupid the rand doesnā€™t care about that

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Alignments are randomized, so itā€™s not more or less likely.


interesting response

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You could spare some tact.

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oh sorry for the late reply

Lucky seemed to be defending Brad earlier today when they were being sussed by like 2 people at the same time.
ofc this can mean absolutely nothing and lucky could just be a good pal

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sorry drive by

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I donā€™t think Seth is willing to vote me yet because most people can read me later and I only posted once so far

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it makes sense from a Seth point of view

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also Iā€™m back

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Alright then im am regretfully sorry Porscha. i have taken u off of my good noodle list and u are sadly back in the ā€œidkā€ pile :cry:

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also sorry if i sounded cocky.
I just watched a shit ton of mafia games like 2-3 years back and got obsessed with it and made my friends play with me lmao.
its not a good indicator of whether im good or not, especially since its way easier to win when its people you know

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