Prehistoric Purgatory - Game Over: Town wins

The issues are:

  1. Does this surprise you?
  2. Does this actually mean anything AI?

i want to think sheā€™s town
i want to think her approaching me rationally and calmly is indicative of her town actually trying to find me as town
i want to think it so i think it but iā€™m not certain on it being true because

  1. iā€™m biased
  2. i havenā€™t seen a lot from her
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good post

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ur mum

why wouldnt u just vote the ppl u think are wolves instead of the person u think is ā€œvoting with wolvesā€?

Last Thing to Point Out:
In this setup wolves can basically open wolf/vote with each other with zero consequences.
So I wonā€™t put it past the mafia to have all voted me. (Zone, Debil, Rue and Wazza.)

I also believe both Kiiruma and Porscha have a good chance of being mafia if Rue flips Mafia.


okay, after catching up on the last few posts I am most likely voting Aelin this hell phase just because 1. despite me being a tad biased against Zone, I dont think he should go to hell (at least not yet) and 2. because the most current votes for Aelin are from people I dont think reak of scum.

I dont believe in heaven so no one gets to go mwahahahhaha!
only slightly kidding. i dont have any hard set town yet. ill probably think more into it later today

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i kinda think zones posting has been straight up bad recently, potentially worse than luckys

Aelin also has potential to be wolves with Rue.

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Lucky please stop talking about rue, u literally are just salty they pushed u lol

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do you have any specific posts that point to this if you donā€™t mind? i sort of see the picture but not fully

is that ur most maf to least maf list? IDK what it means if you donā€™t mind explaining

Actually I want to point out one more thing and this time Iā€™ll actually explain why.

Rue flipping mafia clears 3 players and we vote all 3 during Heaven Phase

Brad - Rue saying I am ā€œTMIingā€ and ā€œPocketingā€ Brad despite me not even stating a read on him then decided to make Brad her top town is something Rue would only do towards a villager and not her partner.

Gorta - Rue responded towards to what I had to say about Gorta in a way that was more to throw Gorta down, sus me and try and setup for not only me going into hell but also Gorta. She also said I was ā€œdefending Gortaā€ or some indication where she thinks Iā€™m wolf with them or something which isnā€™t something Rue would do to her partner.

Tro - SoD interaction with them wasnā€™t something I see Rue doing with their partner.

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Therefore itā€™s beneficial we vote out Rue during Heaven Phase!

Thatā€™s 6.
You not TMIā€™ing me town are you?

dota vs blue epic battle

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Kiiruma was being voted at (3) I voted them instead of Zone to tie the wagon and then Rue voted me removing Kiiruma wagon.

Porschaā€™s interaction with my ā€œISO dive me Rueā€ comment felt it could mean they are aligned with Rue.

Not a contradiction.
Both are true.

If you guys do keep me alive though Iā€™ll just ensure that Rue goes through Heaven Phase and if they are indeed wolf Iā€™ll ensure all 3 of the spewed town go through Heaven Phase.