Prehistoric Purgatory - Game Over: Town wins

im sorry :cry:

if it makes u feel better iim dumb

lmao wait wouldnā€™t flipping rue heaven phase mean sending her to heaven? why would you want to do that if youā€™re hard reading rue as scum right now. iā€™m so confused by this take

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im bored

that was the old hippolytus, hippoplabomopyeetus has more chill

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have my notes i guess

So, obviously, if you havenā€™t noticed I started the game with a simple goal in mind, and that was to get specific reactions from specific people, those people being Brad and Tro. I took two different approaches but they were necessary to complement each other. For Tro, who has a constant edge of paranoia on my slot whenever they rand town, I decided to do my best to feed into that paranoia by blatantly pocketing them. Meanwhile, for Brad, I decided to constantly pressure him and see how much he would fall away as he has seen my towngame and how quickly I can leap onto results from interactions, but he was still willing to interact, even looking back and reaching out to me when he remembered something relevant to our previous interaction. Overall, he responded pretty well, but SDA came in and kinda butted in the middle of it in what could easily have been a defensive attempt for a scumbuddy. This worries me because despite my objectively scummy start, SDA was very quick to dismiss me as town doingā€¦ something? which leads me to think that this could be textbook TMI and is leading to some hesitance on Bradā€™s alignment. Tro, on the other handā€¦ didnā€™t react to my blatant pocketing at all, except in a way that just seemed accepting and almost prideful? Like ā€œyeah, good, you should be townreading meā€ and I think thatā€™s highly scum!AI from them. An easy way to showcase this is hydra vig 10ā€™er, a recent game where we were T/T and despite my slot being objectively one of, if not the towniest slots D1 they still felt obsessive paranoia throughout the game and here it wasnā€™t mentioned until Rue brought it up.

Later note on brad: his openwolfy stuff feels weird

and also he literally just townread every single person in a thread that i felt at least had a medium wolf presence which is worrying

Onto further reactions: Rue slot feels good, which I mentioned earlier, but I specifically like them due to how quickly they went ā€œthis doesnā€™t seem rightā€ because that was the exact effect I was going for (see me talking about how i was trying to get good reactions and them basically going ā€œwhat youre doing is dumbā€ and me breaking character in response), but i dont think its entirely out of their scumrange. Hippo came into thread and immediately called it out as well but i might be getting pocketed by them liking 29 of my posts :wowee:

lol also came into thread and made a snapread of me/brad being w/w, and i vaguely liked it, but that definitely wasnt the more offputting of my two main interactions so im a little hesitant to afford towncred to them there

Beyond that: while i was around, wazza seemed very disjointed from the thread, and i dont really have a conclusion on that but just felt like it should be noted

I dont really like what zoneā€™s been doing? It hasnt been bad, it justā€¦ hasnt been anything, yk yk? It feels like he just exists solely to ignore thread

Beyond that he was definitely talking to me as if assuming that i was town

But when i asked him to make a read on me he said i was null

I feel like im feeding too far into buzzwords or maybe im just trying to milk something out of all my interactions but this feels like tmi and something i need to go back and read into more

I donā€™t want to dismiss gorta as just gortaā€™ing


gorta is gortaā€™ing

Kiirumaā€™s reaction to my vote on him is almost entirely what i expected from a pettiness standpoint, and it matches up with what i think heā€™d do as v here so him getting stuck and annoyed on it is a good look

Lucky has also been weird in such a way that it feels like he canā€™t decide what to do with me

I havent really looked into his interactions with anyone else

But he keeps going back and forth, first talking about how my poe/hell/heaven ideas were weird

then later agreeing on the concept

and then later, not towards me, talking about sending rue to heaven which goes against it and i dislike the flip-floppiness


/vote Trochilidae @Host_Account_1

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lucky needs to put in his place and understand why people donā€™t get what the hell heā€™s saying half the time so iā€™m trying to open up the convo between him and rue not getting anywhere b/c lucky gets stubborn. it lead to me understanding rueā€™s entire point against lucky so it was worthwhile for me

posts will be kinda short and sparse since in car with mom in passenger seat
whatā€™s up

nice wall awesome posts

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i was 30 seconds too early
boom bye scum

ok no fuck that i found you town in hydra vig easy after like d2
and here i was thinking u were actually trying to interact with me normally

no this was me intentionally being as pocket-y as possible without literally going ā€œoh im so glad youre town this game tro!! ^^ā€
and you didnt have any reaction whatsoever

you know what fuck this iā€™m phoning a friend


because i thought you were trying to actually have a conversation and be reasonable

i thought after popcorn weā€™d reached a better understanding of how to interact with each other and fix our mistakes

If it helpsā€¦

  1. My confidence is wavering on a few.
  2. I feel like you know I do this from the hydra game?

for some reason i really thought this was the start of a copypasta

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nearly every single other person in thread pointed out how artificial the conversation was
im vaguely bothered that you still cant see it

Mainly working off of early game (which is dumb ik)

Ik they already got a lot of slack for this so Iā€™m not going to deep dive it, but I kinda does matter if we send a town to hell this phase

For Brad, it would be way too many quotes, but it is mainly based off of how Brad, Aelin, and Waaza interacted early, especially regarding priorities for the phases