Purgatory II - TOWN VICTORY!

Daisy keeps saying she is busy and will be back later. I think she has like the same type of message three times in a row.

Ok in her defence she actually pulls through. They are all surface level reads but it makes us aware that she knows the past of some players which is nice. I also adore how this is set out. I wont say too much on the upper topic yet.

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I hate phone Fol…

You know fair enough.

From sidekick to… person who is hydra’d with sidekick. God speed 🫡


…morning hazard

Agreed and the reasons are all weak and reachy imo

I don’t like how one sided the pictures being painted are

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She never did… not the happiest with this interaction

… huh @Litten @Luka help! What happened between the time gap

Morning Shy!!

Am I Caption…?

Damn got reduced to a caption

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I feel like there’s too many scum for Zenon’s Law to be accurate at a consistent rate in this mode

I didn’t think it was wolfy I think that’s a bad policy to have
It’s bad and he should feel bad as you say

So it was like policy about policy

Honesty is the best policy… or something

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Feels like pick on bunny cause it’s easy

Never doubt the law

the law exists to generate discussion tbh

With that said i actually only wolf read 1 lol

I disagree bad towns lose games and generate more info in death