Purgatory II - TOWN VICTORY!

Since Bionic is kinda spewed town that’d mean the mafia is in Captain & Rawk

Also, I can clarify what I meant by “they”. When I said “they”, I did not mean “Abigail or Dangerouslitter”, I meant the wolf team as a whole. Wolves saw their partner being voted and jumped on the chance to vote someone else instead

Yea I get that now oops

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I believe that Me, Caitlin, Bionic, Lol, Peach are always town here.

  • Luka
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All good no worries. Couldn’t clarify sooner because it hit 4 PM by the time I saw your message


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That seems accurate yes

Otter & Toad very very likely town too

That leaves just 7 ppl huh

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Yes. They’re Rem.

  • Luka
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Peach is Rem and Abbi was like ‘is that the Rem I know?’

Ftr Abbi had this with Toad/Ruby too


Has Peach spoken once this game?

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  • Luka

I will be sheeping caitlin for now but i still want litter exed

peach no (from experience
caitlyn lowest still of the others probapply but either way not killing atm (I could see a planned bus there but lik 10% chance)


It’s especially unpairing because their name is in their discord but not their FoL account imo

I think Cait’s frustration with my slot is always town here. I don’t think she AtE’s as scum here. If she was scum chances are the AtE wasn’t intentional though.

  • Luka
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CaptainSyrup, ElizaThePsycho, PrincessDaisy, thepigeonnyc, Mimic, Achromatic, RawkHawk

It’s probably in these 7

Eliza had a very townie D1 still imo, so I don’t wanna see her being sent to Heaven


Daisy’s unvote was townie? Probably?


Is it easy and thats 4 mafia 1 town?

My suspicion falls on those who jumped on the Caitlin vote when I proposed it briefly. I will pull up a list of those individuals shortly

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Captian and Rawk my first guns here

Rawk mostly Pigeon also likely third that town is likely mimic or achro but doesn’t matter as much only need two wolfs