Purgatory II - TOWN VICTORY!





I didn’t I actualy town read them and jsut trusted caitlyn to a higher degree in their posting as well as

Disliked the CFD attempt
Disliked the Litter wagon

so went for what felt right at the time though this would be obvious if you read my posts

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I fear I do not have time to make a gif, but I fear I misread the “this reads as not a non town post” as a “this is not a town post”, deepest apologies! However I do still find the vote after the votes have closed as suspicious!

Mainly their vote track record I found suspicious, along with the fact that they only voted abigail, the scum, after the votes had closed

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sr for being late :skull_and_crossbones:

the vote at 2 seconds after is scummy as i was live posting?

Curious on that train of thought?

Toad fully could be scum but I don’t really follow that reasoning in particular

Even if this was true, and if so I apologize, I still do not agree with their pushes and reasoning behind such before their abigail vote, and if I was a scum and I knew my other scum was on the line I’d also wait last second, especially in a close vote, before casting a vote against them to save face. Of course I could be wrong, but I wish to state my opinions as asked of me, and feel the need to do so after missing the whole first day.

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Being pigeon and mimic slots that are also looking at being voted tomorrow.
If you could curious where your dislike here lands and thoughts on those slots

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I see the vision on the Pigeon vote actually because why was the reasoning “better than Bionic (Rawk is sus btw)”


er I guess I should ask
why wasn’t that just a Rawk vote

Slightly more thought there (I also am know to scum read OMGUS more then i should and was a portion on the read on Rawk really look back at his posts it’s alot of it.)

and lol couldn’t talk wasn’t comeing back while otter was there and could talk and i was doing a think that last hour as i said so was very not there and would rather a scum read that has another active following it then not. Mentioned Rawk cause if became an option/people rathered i was just as up to go there and wanted to point such out. Though i had mentioned rawk before i think (had thought it before at the least)

That’s just a lie Lol hasn’t been talking much

I meant hazard

We’re you not hadard at that time

Am I missing something? Why is everyone voting dangerous??? VOTE: Caitlin, I’m very confused. Dangerous is my scumread and it’ll be hard to get me away from that

I meant VOTE: lol