Purgatory - Town Win!

I name whoever I want smh

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You matter no do your alignment.

Omg satania!! I love her 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。


So why the fuck are people voting what are we even doing what even is the point of the next 24 hours of my life

Like what.

So I can just ignore this for 24 hours cause literally none of this matters?

If phases are 24 each than what the fuck are we doing NOW?

Pat pat.

We are currently in hell. :smiling_imp:


Nope never

Because it’s Hell Phase? Abbi it’s like a D1 in any game?

Well, you would be the exception to my statement lol.

On a more serious note, wolves shouldn’t claim they’re wolves. I’ll take a wolf claim as a joke claim. (I’m not saying I’ll trust it, but I won’t take it seriously unless I see more signs pointing toward it being true).


It means that this day is just 24h?

Abbi you have literally played this setup before

It’s fine lol

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This makes no sense and my head hurts.

Is it bad that I TR this statement lol

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How does it make no sense

How is it hell phase now when hell phase is tomorrow lol.

It’s nothing. This is all meaningless.

Pocket achieved.


During Hell, you wanna vote mafia → it’s the equivalent to a normal game’s day phase
During Heaven, you wanna vote town

Just like a normal game starts with a day, this one starts with a hell phase

So it’s literally like any other D1. You wanna try to vote a mafia, and if we vote a town it’s negative and a mislynch

Hell phase is NOT tomorrow
Heaven phase is tomorrow.