Purgatory - Town Win!

Imagine ever making any EoDs

I appreciate the early read list! :+1:

To quote some of their early posts from there so you see what I’m talking about

Relm town lean(smol), abbi town lean sorry for not town locking you, shadi town lean

Nge is town lean too

As scum you’re townie You’re not townie

Anyways Nichy / Relm / Sam There’s my solve

Like that’s way more contribution already and not caring about being sent to hell (he did care about not being voted out a lot fwiw)

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Still diff lol

You saw me in a game
You saw me OMGUS like thrice despite me having replaced out early

One could deduce from this that I am prone to OMGUS


I like being appreciated

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I have no memory of anything you did that game. Even if I had, it was one game. One could, in fact, not deduce that a one-off game behavior would translate to a serial behavior.


Your reasons to scumread me boil down to shrugging and accusing me of TMI after I just showed you I was mischopped last game due to faulty interpretation of my reads as TMI.

It does not look like this scumread on me will likely result in a hit, to me.

I would urge you to please change your mind on me. :-)

Yes of course! I have very quickly!

For Caitlin she seems to be pushing the town into discussions but isnt outright accusing anyone which I think those two combined are pretty trustworthy, because she wants to keep the discussion rolling but shes not pushing to get anyone condemned

For you, you’ve been doing the same, but alot less actively, youre asking questions that need to be asked and questioning different other accusations, and just as a whole you seem to be thinking about it alot

And for tutuu, tutuu came in and instantly starting breaking down what they thought and explaining themselves really well for the most part. Theyre the least of the three of you i trust but its pretty much the same reason, all three of you are opening new paths for the discussion well not accusing anyone very strongly/too hard

I hope thats okay! I gtg now but I promise ill contribute alot more once thanksgiving is over, I have a few questions and thoughts myself :pray::bowing_woman:


Nice work for your (first?) Forum Mafia game, my wonderful friend!

VOTE: tutuu

my rp just ended
was really fun even though I died

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what is hammer

Some fascinating things I believe I have matured enough to learn. I was about to write them in my private discord, as they are private in nature, but I figure - why be afraid? Why not be brave and open? It might pack a bigger punch on my psyche.

Generally, Forum Mafia can be a place for me to practice control over myself. From a pragmatic point of view, this is the most helpful asset I can derive from it. It allows me to practice disagreements and debates in a safe environment, as in, my job or such isn’t at risk. I can use this experience to further my real life agenda of world conquest and manipulating hot goth chicks to swoon over me.

Another thing I believe I can learn is to tackle my innate fear of losing. I feel really scared and anxious at the prospect of losing. Why? Why do I do that? I don’t believe it’s a wholesome competitive feeling. If I dig deep inside, I believe it is a fear of that I would be a disappointment. As in, I am terrified of disapproval and other people being disappointed at me if I were to fail at a task (in this case, a game). This makes a ton of sense to me, given that I was a serial medalist at math competitions. In 4th grade, I won 1st place in the National Mathematics Olympiad in my country. I’ve read that kids who have such high expectations placed on them can build bad coping mechanism to deal with it. This is one of them.

As such, the conclusion that I am deriving is that the end of the journey for me, the final piece of this puzzle for me - would be to fail / lose without feeling any negative feeling whatsoever. Naturally that doesn’t mean - artifically force myself to lose, as in, go out of my way. No, it means naturally trying my appropriate best, as I always do, and despite that - lose, and despite that - be okay with it. Be at peace. THAT is my next step in growing up and maturing.

Wonderful. I am content with my interpretation of what’s my future pathway.


Aligning my vote with Merpy’s is my next course of action. I shall vote for whoever Merpy votes, regardless of who it is, unless it is on myself. Out of my townreads, I trust her accuracy the most.

Doleful is kinda blowing my expectations of them out of the water, and they feel very townie to boot

Psyx is her usual serious, analytical self and I’m pretty sure she’s only been town when I’ve played with her

Luka feels different, he feels a lot more laid-back than before, and I’ve only played with him when he was scum

I like Abbi’s posts, I’m not getting the gut bad feeling I got in strat15

I didn’t like Merpy’s post about not knowing there was a vote today when she like. replied to people’s votes before that and talked about who we should vote/if we should vote noexe

Ritsu is fine
I can’t shake the feeling that this is not a new person and if I’m right this gameplay feels townie for them but I don’t want to use someone else’s meta on them LOL

I’m voting tutuu cuz they voted Doleful which was mean but I don’t have anything substantial on them outside that
they feel a little different from the last time I played with them but I think that’s mainly because Achro was taking the lead and nobody’s really doing that here
I don’t even remember what that game was called though so take that with a grain of salt

Caitlin feels identical to strat15 I think she’s town

me looking for the two people I missed thinking this game was 11p

so my list is like
(purposeful gap)
(another purposeful gap)


oh that’s really funny given my readlist LOL

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hits post with Merpy and tutuu as my bottom 2
Tutuu: I’m gonna vote whoever Merpy votes

We are both Mafia and we are going to vote you, and then Town won’t listen to your legacy and you will lose. :smiling_imp:

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