Purgatory - Town Win!


This post has Dole as my top town aside caitlyn pretty strongly

Partly to this being a town post and their first game (multiple have stated as well)

So thats 2/8 pretty confidently in my PoV


Am 1 and of the people i need to sort and getca confident posation on therr are 8 of your thats 2

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So for these

Psyx being mainly analytical is helpful atleast to look how they play from my PoV later ty for mentioning


Luka cait mentioned how they feel different to their last town game of this setup how does that effect this read/reasoning? Or have you not considreed that?

I had forgotten the fact that the ratio of Town to Mafia is a lot lower than normal. 5 of you are Town and 3 of you are Mafia.

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Ya something am trying to use as an advantage here a confident town read limits posabilities massivly.

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As such sheeping is riskier than usual.

I townread Caitlin more confidently than Merpy, but Caitlin is voting me so sheeping her sounds wack. Although she could be right on Luka. I can consider sheeping her on him, if she chooses to vote him.

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Oh she is voting him. Hm.

Good point to bring up here is yes

Blindly sheeping even more so at this ratio is very dangourous (can change if we hit a wolf today) but at 3 wolfs no one should blindly sheep.

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I must have missed that
I’ve never played a town!Luka game before so I wouldn’t know LOL
if that’s accurate then Luka probably goes down to your tier

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Another questions i just realized

Dolefuk you said excepting expectaions curious what those where the orginal expectations?

I can bring the information that wolves didn’t choose to go for the “hardbus from early on” strategy.

Before I received my alignment, I had considered, if I were to rand Mafia, to agree that 2 of us should bus the third one, as we would need 2 wolves in heaven to win, and given that there’s no NK, being towny is all you need to win.

However, I know that I am town, and I am the top wagon from early on. So I know they decided not to do that. Although, they might decide to, later.

I would be very cautious about bussers. If we receive a wolf flip - please be cautious with sending people to heaven from among the voters.

I’ve invited other players to this site from the same group Doleful is from, or been in their first games if I didn’t invite them, and most of their first games were… not great
so my expectations for Doleful were low despite knowing they can be good at other social deduction games

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I came back and Im the topic of interest (´∀`=) Im blushing….

But before I can jump into the conversation at hand I need to ask what bussing/bussers means. Very sorry ( ´ ▽ ` )


VOTE: ElizaThePsycho


wolves voting out other wolves to look like town

That’s alright, my wonderful friend, pat pat!

Bussing stands for “throwing someone under the bus”, meaning - be Mafia, and accuse your own partners of being Mafia.

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not too much on reviewer queen…

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Ahh I see.
Yeah than I will definitely agree with the point that bussing is a very possible and likely strategy, and I think its good to talk about it and keep bringing it up to deter the wolves away from bussing.

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