Purgatory - Town Win!

@Garfooled btw you should put Hell Phase 1 instead of Day 1 in the title
that probably did not help the confusion with how the phases worked earlier


Hell phase beginning before heaven phase seems… sacrilege


Tmobile put me on hold for 4 hours i wasnt in the mood for playing the game



I left at 11 and I came home at 4

Thank you for being open about your self-reflection. I wish you the best of luck in pursuing this goal! It is a good mindset to have :+1:


I understand if you suspect me, but I did address this before. I knew this game had a vote at some point, but I didn’t know when or how many. I was unsure of the details because I skimmed. I can find it if you didn’t see it before :+1:

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Also, how much time do we have until this phase ends? I’m just trying to plan out how much time I have to backread and give reads for this phase

All phases are 24 hours. So this one will end in a bit less than 18 hours!

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Okay thank you! I’ll try to give my reads just in case I don’t have time tomorrow. :+1:


To clarify, this will hopefully be later tonight. Probably in the AMs for ESTers


Merpy after every post!


I normally have a miku thumbs-up that I use on Discord, so the standard thumbs-up will have to suffice lol xD


Weird post at the start of the game. It’s 50 posts in, we don’t have a good idea of this. It doesn’t bring thread progression either.

This is probably NAI but im going to slap a town lean on it anyways. Feels like townie just memeing around lmao, im fairly certain wolves are more concious of there town games and wanting to mimic that?

Why town lean this? You asked a question, her as scum would answer it. Id argue its more scummy than not, shows overthinking when the apt answer is kidna just “I dont know.”

So confused why you town read this but I dont think its really ai.

Paragraph since im obligated to:
I’ve read the rest of there ISO, just not commenting on it since I think my thoughts are fairly solidied. Compared to his last town game I played with him he’s completely different. Therefor, he’s good in a sense? Wolves are more cautious to allign with there town game. There are no symptohms of that here, and tone read there town. I give this a town. High town. Cute town.

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I was giving our dear friend Psyx a good ol’ test. There is no Mafia NK. Yet, she thought there is. I asked her to test just how far is she going to go with the thought that there is indeed a mafia NK. She went decently far for my taste. Ergo, I decided it’s more likely that she is a misguided townie, rather than a Mafia who chose to go the distance based off something she knows much better than the Townies to be false (having NK).

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Great post to townread me for. :-) @PrincessAbigail @guavagudetama @Caitlin

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I buy into the read that when it comes to being really dilligent, particularly checking timestamps, it’s townier than not. I was referencing a Merpy post, and I thought it was 3 hours from earlier. Caitlin wasn’t part of the interaction. Yet she clicked on Merpy’s post, and saw it was only 2 hours from earlier, and corrected me. I feel like Caitlin’s motivation to do all that as Mafia is void.


Tutuu has interesting and out there methods but they seem to paradoxically work… well enough for the first day atleast

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I get that you’re busy, but Merpy if you ever see this could you elaborate more on your reads? Im not accusing/scumming you at all, but you have really only talked about the rules, your understanding of them and a revelation you said you’d say later but Id be interested to hear your general thoughts (´ω`)