Purgatory - Town Win!

Do think it’s kinda odd Merpy knew so much about the vote stuff yet didn’t know that :thinking:


Super early readslist;
Doleful is first cuz they seem uninformed
Guava is second for no reason rlly, they just seem fine so far so I’d place them slightly above null
Tutuu hasn’t done anything AI yet so they place directly below Guava in third
Merpy is fourth for that
Psyx is last cuz she feels diff from the games where she was town; it’s kinda odd. Might be due to early game tho


she’s played on FoL before so she knows how to vote
but other posts make it clear that she
didn’t read the OP or read it and forgot

Also wow it took rlly long before this game finally got hosted

Garfooled already asked me to play this game 5 months ago lol



She made a joke about voting

Talked about it maybe being wise to no elim

And talked with Psyx about Psyx not wanting to be voted

To me all that indicates that she should know there is in fact also a vote today?

Yeah, I got that. I just got confused because I forgot that martyr-voting-during-parity rule (I only remembered the wolves-win-if-2-wolves-get-sent-to-heaven part).

there are a couple reasons she could have said that but they all seem scummy with what you just said in mind

VOTE: MerpyDerpy

she also likes MacArthur total drama so she can go to hell /j

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Ah okay

For real

That Caitlin always is so logical

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Or compromise have people only be sent to heaven and sleep away the hell

Other Stuff

I think this is correct in how i see it think that is more incase we really mess up and would have lost anyway which is unlikely.

Oh i’ll not bully you today than but next phase :smiling_imp:

Sure but i already wrote the part above so am not deleting it

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…those games were Mountainous (my favourite set-up). What you’re seeing here is a confused Psyx :skull:

Imo this counts more as mountainous then the 11p game lol

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So um imo we should stop talking about non elims :P jk

Any reads you have yet Ritsu?

Only if it’s about the roles, but the wincon-rules/lack of NKs/phases makes this an entirely different beast imo

VOTE: Luka

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Mountainous is a term given to setups that have no power roles at all.

So imo this does fit and the other game doesn’t but fair

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True I agree

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From a skim (didn’t give anything to indepth thoughts honestly)

I agree with the Doleful seeming uninformed read but is very early/they havn’t talked enough to be at all confident on that

and in general liked yours and tutuu’s posts if i were to chart it something like


Slight Town

Nothing scum read side is really formed yet but also i just woke up so brain is sleepy

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