Purgatory - Town Win!

Guava beat me to it

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That’s a valid mindset. I just misunderstood your intentions is all :+1:

So how do we vote do we just say who were voting (im new here)

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I would’ve been sad, so thank you for not spoiling it!


You click the Hammer button and then write the name

Like this

VOTE: Psyx


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That makes it sound scary… the hammer is so official and like witch trial shit

Semi srs vote actually; kinda gut scumread. Posts like p#117 (dunno if that worked, Idk if there’s post links here like on MU) just kinda… read to me as fake

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It appears the post link did not work

Well post 117 is a bit up

It’s this one

Oh, so that’s what you meant by parity. I thought it was the usual one (living town vs wolves)

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you can click the hammer button on posts to see the vote count from that post
so like the first post of the thread will have nothing but this post will have a few

you can also hit this icon:
next to the hammer to remove your vote completely
or you can just vote again to switch your vote

don’t make two votes in one post though or it’ll put you on both people which is cheating

that should have been a reply to Doleful oops

  1. Click reply.
  2. It is the 5th button going from left to right (quote, bold, italicize, underline, and VOTE). The vote button is marked by a hammer icon.
  3. When pressing the vote button, it will highlight the word “name”. Type the name of the individual you want to vote.

You can also look at someone’s post and click the hammer icon next to it (near the like button) to see how many votes there were at the time.

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any other questions if you need to!

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That’s the parity we mean

of town = # of mafia

OF TOWN :speaking_head: :speaking_head: :speaking_head: :speaking_head: :speaking_head:

I wanted to do a hashtag but it replaced it with large text >.>

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But lack of night kills means it’s somewhat different from Mountainous. We wouldn’t be able to get info about who the wolves want to get rid of the most

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Okay I’m gonna go work on some homework. I’ll catch up later! There’s no vote today, right?

There is

The next 48h is used to vote someone to be sent to Hell