Purgatory - Town Win!

I’m not at my computer, but I can backread on what I missed while at work. I still plan on giving my reads tonight.

I didn’t even notice that when it happened. That is really odd… :thinking:

At least, I don’t remember seeing it

Do you want Leaf gone because they are suspecting you, or do you think they are legitimately evil ? I ask because I know how easy it can to become tunnel-vision due to defensiveness. (I mentioned this about myself earlier).

Given my scuffle with him previously, it’s very possible he’s villager. I’d like to read more into his posts though to say for sure

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Hello everyone! Sorry, I am currently at work! I get off in about an hour than I can update with my reads! If someone could reply to this and bullet point why Im being suspected though thatd be great and an easy thing to reply too once im back! Thank you guys^o^


I think it was mainly just lack of activity and reads/game-solving, but I could be wrong. I think it was emphasized especially during the Heaven phase.

I mostly just want to know your reads. I liked Tutuu’s posts and while I know he’s wrong about me with his scumsolve (Neblig/Doleful) I feel like he wouldn’t get both wrong. It seems like a safe bet imo.

Possible TMIing me town?

You talk like I’m supposed to remember how everyone played in everygame I’ve evet been in.

That doesn’t stop it from being resistance.

No you didn’t.

Had to look back to see what this was refering to and while you did explain it well, it felt fake to me. Why wasn’t the first thing you thought of not that he wasn’t just a villager that just wants to continue to help with solving? Instead, your brain supposedly went right to hm possibly being a wolf who wanted to go up. Yet you didn’t stop to consider the fact that if he was a wolf in his position, he’d have less than no reason to pretend to not want to go up. You supposedly had him as locktown before this too.

I never said you had to ignore people.

It’s antiwolf to not want to go up. Explain how wanting to be able to continue to help with solving so that you can win is ever antitown.

So you don’t think this is LAMIST in the slightest? You’re literally pointing to this post and saying See? Look how townie this post makes me look!

That’s not the same thing.

Looked back and you’re right. They never did. I think I got a bit confused because you kept on saying you were locktown from Ritsu townreading you. Which isn’t the case.

I think I know the posts that you’re talking about but they don’t sound like jokes to me.

Thinking someone is town isn’t necessarily a perspective flip unless they were scumreading you and it might’ve even been a joke.

My main gripe with you is that you seem way too concerned with how people view you and I find that wolfy

I don’t think it necessarily makes you a wolf though, but it isn’t a good look for you.

For instance, why are you so insistant on people not seeing how much you resisted Tutuu’s ascension? You had your reasons after all, so it doesn’t necessarily make you a wolf, yet you’re trying to make it look like you resisted less than you did.

Also, if you think I’m a wolf here, you have no idea of how I wolf. If I’m a wolf, why even throw this much shade on you instead of trying to find my own reasons for scumreading Dole? Seems counterproductive to me. Especially since the next wolf that gets sent down to Hell loses the game for the wolves. The final two wolves are going to be trying their best not to rock the boat., not stand out and act like wolves.

No it can’t.

Explain how a villager can pocket someone. Also, I couldn’t care less about how you view me.

It’s bad in my eyes.


Honestly, GTH, I’d say the same thing for now.


What does this mean? I’ve never seen this abbreviation :thinking:

gun to head

ill read things in a bit

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Feel free to beam me up the next Heaven phase too. If we don’t send a wolf to Hell this phase that is.

Is “gun to head” like a sarcastic phrase? Like you say, “oh I really like your shirt…gun to head” to convey you don’t like it I’m such a boomer :sob:

What you would say if you were forced to say something

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Sending 1 more wolf to hell wins us the game, right?

Ah I see. Thank you for clarifying!

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I thought it had a different context in forums for some reason lol


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