Purgatory - Town Win!


  • Guava
  • Caitlin

Town Lean

  • Neb
  • Merpy? Maybe? Very very very hesitant on this


  • Leafia


  • Detective

I need to re-eval tho

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Hey sorry! Im here now.

Sorry for my activity. For today, I have been at work literally ever since day opened, and monday was honestly just a really horrible day for me at work so I didnt have alot of energy. But on Monday I did make sure to leave my input when I could, and I said my reads than and did participate. But im here for real today!

To respond to the “Tutuu called me wolf and he was town so I must be wolf” accusation from Leafia, I like understand where youre coming from, but I was like actively pushing tutuu as town since day one, fine with him being beamed to heaven, and didnt discredit him once which if I was wolf I wouldve fought back so much more against someone that was accusing me.

If you wish to have my current reads they would be


I think theres 100% at least one scum in these three:


like. I think theres very likely a scum within merpy / leafia / detective at the very least
2/2 scum being in here is possible

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Resistance is resistance Luka. It’s not incorrect.

I see. Definitely something to consider then.

These are two different games with different circumstances Luka.

I never once accused you.

Hmmm, fair enough.

Where have I ever accused you of being evil?

Admittedly, I’m not the best at seeing jokes sometimes.

You might want to move your vote in this case.

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Okay so I think the only 2 ppl I need a Heaven read list from are @guavagudetama and @Caitlin

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If you want my honest opinion, I think Caitlin is scum.

Theres a push for me because of me being inactive and not sharing reads, but if I honestly had to read it I think a part of it is a distraction because not only has caitlin been not here today and it hasn’t been pulled to light, she hasnt done much scumreading herself and was also adamantly against tutuu as well yesterday. Her reads were very strong right off the bat day one, and we all began to trust her, but since than she hasnt had that strong of stances nor has been as present as she was than.

Not necessarily. To do so would’ve made you look very sus.

I’ve noticed that too, which is why I bumped her to null. It doesn’t really change my view on you though

Thats great, but I had no issue putting you in scumread when youre accusing me, and I had been very adamant about tutuu being town since day one.

The latter is the reason why it would’ve made you very sus and why does the former even matter?

You say the latter is what makes me suspicious, but if thats why im suspicious than why was your vote on me before today?
Ive said since the beginning that sheeping is a very scary strategy here, and your refusal to give any sort if reasining to arturo is extremly suspicious.

Not before today, before I sent my scumread on you

Unless you mean townread. Still, a wolf could do that too as it’s well known that I tend to trust those that trust me. More than I probably should actually.

This fails to respond to why you were unable to give arturo a reason for your original push on me.

No. I said that it would’ve made you very suspicious if you had tried to convince people to not send Tutuu up after townreading him that hard.

Okay great. Now can you explain why you were unable to give arturo a reason behind my push, please.

Most of it is Tutuu’s read on you and wanting to sheep him for now. That and most people looking a lot better than you do.

Who the heck is Arturo?

I have a serious problem with this because since day one we have all been pretty vocal about sheeping being a real bad idea here.

If you are wolf, saying you are voting me because youre sheeping a confirmed town is the perfect excuse, and than when Im sent into hell and its revealed Im innocent you can just go “I was just following town, oopsies, silly me!”

Oh uh thats my bad thats guava