Purgatory - Town Win!

actually I care not

cuz I’m townreading everyone except Foggy
which means I’m townreading a scum
but I only need to find two scum to win and I already found Ritsu

@Caitlin tutuu died come post <3

Also, this filtering is tiring and taking way more time than I thought it would.

I’ll explain my plan now though:
In any forum mafia game, wolves want to appear as townie as they can to fool town. However, in this game, there is an extra incentive to go the extra mile and be mega-townie----Heaven. There are 2 things that I would like to point out in this regard. *Keep in mind that these points are by no means fool-proof, but they’re a good starting point imo. Would love to hear feedback!

  1. Wolves are going to be less likely scum-read their partners in this set-up. That’s why I’ve been placing a huge emphasis on who was defending who in Arturo’s and Luka’s main point posts. Especially since they can’t really night kill anyone in this set-up, they can’t afford to sacrifice one of their own easily imo.
  • This is why I think it’s unlikely that Arturo bussed Ritsu. I acknowledged it as a potential reality, but I think the only way it happened is if he realized that Ritsu would be pushed later for activity. *
  1. Especially in this set-up, wolves aren’t going to want to draw any controversial/negative attention to themselves imo. If they fly under the radar and appear helpful, they have the chance of getting beamed up. I think it’s important to watch for people who are fluff-posting to fill space.
  • If I had to use this #2 point to deduce a wolf, it would probably be someone who was subtly fueling the fire for the Luka v Merpy debate for example. I’d have to filter to remember specifically who, but ik that debate got dragged on even after Luka and I resolved it ourselves. It definitely felt like there was a push being made off of it as a lot of ppl are pushing the narrative that it’s a T/W discussion. This didn’t happen with Leafia and Luka’s debate. Only mine and Luka’s. Definitely feels odd…

Again, I know these points apply to forum mafia in general. I’m fully aware. However, given the game mechanics, I think these points apply at a much bigger extreme. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ritsu had their wolf partners high on their read list. The same goes for other wolf partners in this set-up. I’d say they’d either be marked in townie or in null they don’t have to give away their connection.

I am gonna hop off of thread for the night though. I am very tired. I’m sorry I didn’t get to everyone’s read posts. They took way longer than I thought. I wanted to make sure they were detailed enough to be used as references late-game. I will 100% have more time tomorrow if I’m not voted out because I don’t have any homework to do after work.

was Ritsu lowposting?
it’s probably more obvious in the moment but they were a lot more prevalent in my memory of hell phase 1
though tbf that makes sense if Ritsu was who I thought she was

because Leafia just kinda fights people
like she does that as either alignment
so I didn’t put much stock into it
(also I. didn’t read their fight for that reason so that’s def a contributing factor)

I think this is true to an extent but not saying anything for an entire phase?

not playing doesn’t make you scum
it can be a point in a scumcase but if that’s your only point against Caitlin… it’s not exactly strong on it’s own

you could maybe extrapolate she was dejected after Ritsu got killed? but even then she posted a lot at start of heaven phase 1

we don’t have a hammer so you should be fine

Yes Ritsu had like 20 posts or something like that.

Okay I’ll give you Leafia, but what about Luka? I didn’t see anyone talk about Luka in that debate. It definitely felt like I was getting shaded hard after my debate with Luka. I don’t see how this debate was any different. That, or even the debate between Leafia and Dole. (I think I used the term right in forum context?) We didn’t call attention to Dole or Luka in those interactions.

I won’t be available until the evening tomorrow aside from the 15-minute gaps I have between my morning classes tomorrow.
I’m busy from 9-2 pretty much with 3 15-minute gaps in-between those.

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oh wow yeah
it felt like she posted a lot more

did you miss the part in parentheses

That’s why I was hoping to get my reads done tonight, but I am exhausted tbh

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Hm? I wasn’t sure if I used the term “shaded” right in context. Idk what you’re talking about

I didn’t read the fight
like I saw the wallpost from Luka to Leafia and scrolled until the walls were over

I think I made a post about that actually


Essentially, Leafia was saying that Luka had a lot of LAMIST posts. Also, Leafia found it suspicious that he showed a lot of resistance to Tutuu going to Heaven (Luka insisting that he goes instead).

yeah I saw that
but then Luka had like a kajillion responses after and I was like “well given the Merpy/Luka fight and what I know about Leafia this is just gonna be a bunch of sarcastic jabs at each other so I’m just skipping this”

Which I’ll be honest: I kinda agree with Leafia on. Tutuu felt wayyyy more townie than Luka. It felt like Luka was trying to desperately get beamed due up to losing a wolf early

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