Purgatory - Town Win!

Actually, if we all vote ourselves…
VOTE: MerpyDerpy


Knowing myself, I’m gonna forget to unvote LMAO


The great fall of merpyderpy…

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Merpy just because I know where most peoples reads are landing rn with their votes, may I ask who you think is most likely to be scum?

(This time its slash ess are ess)

Wait ur old u dont know slang i forgot

That means /srs which means serious

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I care not of sheep and shepherds

idk where I’m going with that but it sounded cool

well if you say so

I think she knows tone tags but good to clarify

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I’m actually doing a shakespeare unit in my theatre class and the scene I have to perform has a line that says “I care not” and “I care not” is now a staple of my vocabulary
it’s so powerful

“Arturo you’re literally throwing”
“I care not.”

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Wait, I thought self votes were disabled. Is that just for Heaven?

they are we were messing around

wait why is Merpy still self voting

@MerpyDerpy not you on an illegal vote

@guavagudetama I feel like your reads are mostly based on meta and I’m probably null cause we haven’t played together before lol.

I will admit, in my experience I get null read a lot because I kinda sit in a corner a solve my own game, which I’m doing right now I feel like. It’s not the best strategy, but it’s where I feel comfy.

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I know, I just thought if you vote yourself nothing would happen

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I just came off a game with most of the players in this game so their meta was fresh in my mind

That’s fair. Idk anyone :frowning:

Do you remember the post number where the Luka/Merpy conflict started?

if you asked me what post the thread started on I probably wouldn’t be able to tell you


Is anyone else confident on their reads/confident on their votes.

I am super suspicious of Caitlin, her activity record being poor after the first wolf was flipped, her attitude doing a complete 150 after ritsu was flipped and her lack of presence she very strongly had in hell phase 1 vs heaven phase 1 is odd, BUT Im also willing to hear anyone else out because leaving the vote at a 1-1-1-1 stand still is a very scary position to be in with two wolves. So I want to reach a consensus with someone/others.

I think Caitlin dropping off is a bit suspicious given the timing, but idk about scum reading her just because of low activity. Someone who knows her better would probably have insight if she would do this as scum