Purgatory - Town Win!

Correction. NO activity

Here’s my closing thoughts. Not much changes with these reads besides putting Caitlin in Null instead of Slight Town. Leafia is pretty townie, but the slot she subbed into I’m still iffy on, I don’t think she’s out of my PoE.

I’m keeping my vote on Doleful, otherwise Tutuu’s scumread will bother me the rest of the game. If they flip town, then… idk. Probably Guava or Leafia, but I’ll have to re-eval when I’m more awake.

I think Merpy is a safe bet for the Heaven vote if there is one, but hopefully I wake up to a town win :+1:


I honestly prefer Leafia for the Heaven vote above Merpy

Just more spewed town

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Also I barely read the chat btw

For the elim Vote I think I wanna just sheep Tutuu

Otherwise I’d vote Luka but Luka was townie when I talked w him during Heaven 1

Leafia I defs won’t vote

Merpy I dont have as cleared as others do, but even if I wanted to vote there wouldn’t be traction anyway

So as much as I hate to admit it I do kinda see why Tutuu landed on the PoE of Guava/Doleful/Abbi’s replacement that I forgot the name of

I do wanna vote the latter I think but I gotta check their name first

VOTE: Neblig

I knew it was something with an N but couldnt remember the rest oops

I’m inclined to not want Doleful for their hell phase 1, and I only rlly considered them due to their drop off during Heaven phase 1. But you see, sussing them for that would be quite hypocritical. I also think their return might be townie; if they rlly gave up surely they’d stay away?

Also as I stated last phase, if the team indeed is in this PoE then Guava+Neblig is the only one I’d consider

As for why Neblig above Guava… Idk. Thats open to change

If someone could remind me whether Merpy is unpaired from either that:d be helpful

Turns out Guava has 0 votes anyway so yea Neblig is a better vote for me right now

Ppl also pinged me but I was lurking at times so I already checked the pings and then forgot

So I have no idea what ppl pinged me for but I think it was unimportant, just ‘become active, Tutuu is dead’

About Tutuu; I did read that I apparantly opposed Tutuu being beamed up but imo I actually pushed there

I also do think Tutuu’s reads might make sense and I did engage w them - more then others on early Heaven phase 1 it actually felt like

Realistically my activity will drop no matter my alignment

A drastic drop like this overall is probably scum indicative for me

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Probably smth like this I dunno

Yay my 10th post

Post req completed

Realistically I will post more later but I wanna go offline rn so if I forgot I at least got the post req lol

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Also actually; ppl sus of me for my activity drop, I would like to remind those ppl that I actually already dropped in activity halfway into D1, before Ritsu was even being voted

If I wasnt town Id read this as SvS w me lol

every word of it

VOTE: Unvote
I wont be here for EOD, dont want to make an uninformed vote.

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Then why would you vote me lol

Its funny how people are talking abt sheeping tutuu and killing me despite him reading me town tbh

VOTE: Leafia

VOTE: Dole