Queue Discussion Thread

That much I figured. I thought you meant you would randomise mercenary characters which seemed weird to me.

would fol be willing to play in a Democratic Republic of Mafia game

What that

Each day people elect a president. That president chooses a Vice President along with some judges. The president chooses how many citizens will be on trial (citizens = people not elected to office). The citizens then vote who they want to be on trial. The judges then vote for who on trial should die.

If a mafia is executed, the president stays the same (unless they are killed during the night, in which case VP takes over). If a town is executed, a new election happens.


Id play that

Read the first few lines and thought it was secret hitler palpatine

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So, I’m kind of wondering about how to go about the pacing for this, and I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions.

For those that like followed the mini game or played it in FAM, there’s a number guessing phase and then another phase where other teams guess higher/lower.

So, I was originally thinking of doing 24 hour phases, but I’m worried that this will be too slow.

But I’m not sure if 12 hr for guessing and 12 hr for higher lower will work?


24h max, end phases on majority if players want to go faster seems like the play

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Recommended - 12hr segments, with set time markers
If at any point things finish faster than the segment just release it and go to the next one

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Is there a reviewer queue somewhere or is just putting it on the main queue enough

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FM setups needing review should go in “In Review,” after which they will be assigned a reviewer

Miscs just go on the misc queue


@CRichardFortressLies @Hazardwaste how likely are timezones to be an issue for this game?

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to have a host with Euro/American timezones.

Otoh I can have the game start at night Aussie time for the players.


i am up decently late at night anyway. i think we should be fine timezone wise. (hopefully)


I would also play this

Isn’t this just regular mountainous voting with a lot of extra steps? It isn’t as though the officials are immune to death at night as well.

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Every fun setup is just regular mountainous with extra steps

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Roughly when are you considering running the game?

probably as soon as we are allowed to


Do you have a host account?