Queue Discussion Thread

Do you have a host account?

FM Game Designer / Host needed!

I am searching for 2 new game designers and hosts for a new “Certified eevee’s madness” project, which is still in the early design test. Join the eevee team of repeating hosts and designers, famous for creating and hosting many new, out-of-the-box roles, like botanist or setups like quantum mafia.


  • Creativity
  • At least partial availability between 15/07 and 30/07/23.
  • Basic understanding and ability to apply FM game design rules and theorems.
  • Strong and effective communication, with excellent interpersonal skills.
  • Mental sanity to participate in hosting a game of partially your creation.

What we offer:

  • Losing the aforementioned mental sanity.
  • Fun
  • 1000 Magikarps
  • Chance to develop own design skill, while pushing boundaries of what is perceived as mafia game.

If you are interested, send applications to 3xce on discord or just ping me here.

eevee corp is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.

(tl;dr, I need 2 new madman co-hosts)


(Also spoiler, I’m working on a project™)

(Other spoiler, reviewer is going to hate me™)


I am very very very curious

I have 4/5
Unfortunately im missing the one that would probably be most beneficial

Do i count

For your understanding:

I host 2 types of games.

First is normal games, like cop 13er, snails (whatever the setup was, but it was sth simple) or balanced setups of own creation, which are relatively simple.
I don’t think people remember them much, since like… who remembers me hosting cop 13er, right?
But they happen if I want to host something simple and very organized, let people train mafia skills or so.

The other type of games are eevee madness, which are not simply role madness, but rather “design madness”. What I mean by it is that I usually take part of the game which is usually considered as granted, remodel it and host a game build around it.

Take quantum mafia, where players operated on probability for being each role.
Take VCFM where mafia chat was anonymous, but public.
Take original boats (Don’t take that one, tho eevee corp was indeed mixed in original boats.)

Games which are memorable, and luckily don’t come in huge amount, cause often end up in a mess.

This is project of a second type. Where I already know what I want to take from how normal mafia works, remove it and build anew.
So only apply if you really think you can lose sanity over rebuilding part of concept of what forum mafia is.


I have literally everything except that. My past setups -while containing some unusual roles- are ultimately using standard mechanics.

(Well. The original Nightmare Woods was a setup born by literally putting two setups together, which was a bad idea in hindsight, but that’s about the extent of my muscle-brained creativity.)


I’d argue that you wanting to pursue setups is creative.

And also yeah. It was a bad idea! Never give anyone a 1-shot modpost ever again!


I will get you back for this, one way or the other! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Ah, yes. I remember that being fun.
(…I only remember wolfing with Windward and someone else, and somehow managing to win as Goon by -among others- lying about my stats. Boy, do I love lying.)

Ah… This one was nuts, yes. I remember… having a big grudge against… Margarette(?) and Litten doing some mad **** FPS on D1.
(I don’t pay attention post-mortem though, so I don’t remember much afterwards. I think I lost?)

Chat was anonymous but public… Yeah, I randed Town that game, so IDK what that one was about. (…I did rand Town, I think? My memory is failing me…)

To be fair, I can probably take it on as long as whoever I am working with doesn’t slack off.

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I feel like im on the opposite end
I have like 0 sense of balance but i think i can create/host some high quality shitposty games

See: homestuck

I should host that again


Random Town Chronomancer pog

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Ah… Pain. Serial Killer with 2 Rampage. Sounds good on paper, if not for the lack of fakeclaim and abundance of investigatives.


@Zone_Q11 are you still on review team?

not for 6 months

Cool, I will refrain from taking blacklisted person as host as well.

Which means I still am recruting and considering applications.


have i been rejected

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“Considering applications”


@beancat @Marluna remind me what timezones you are from, please.