Queue Discussion Thread

i could be a co-host for Popcorny Redux when I may be awake
(however I am EST for reference)


Incoming: 5 hosts, all EST


If I apply as co-host, what are my duties?

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Doing the hosting things when EST people are asleep
Flipping when you’re pinged for a shot + that one mafia revenge kill

A’ight. I’ll be a cohost.

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My setup together with my co-host Baker is ready for review

Vampire The Masquerade SFM


we have been cooking entire saturday

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What did may suggest as the name @Garfooled

That is up to May to share :skull:

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@may confess ur sins


No nya

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this truly is a sin


I misread this as “confess your ships”


Depending on public opinion. TB Expert Mode may be replaced by Extension Cord regarding my planned BoTF.

Next BoTF might have Hatter included.

Can I ask about a few interactions? Namely:

I feel like Shugenja / Empath / Artist won’t pair well together with Evil Twin, given that the only droisoning on the script comes from a Drunk and a traceable Widow.
A Philosopher could also gain one of those three abilities if they aren’t in-play. A Psychopath or Fearmonger ping alongside the Evil Twin claim (in a 12player game) proves that a Widow doesn’t exist, making that information all the likelier to be sober.

Four of these Minions are loud, which sorta makes it easier to determine whether a Lil’ Monsta or Marionette exists.

Technically, the Marionette is evil aligned drunk.

Psychopath can holster. Widow is able to self poison to hide the minion/s and make it look like a Marionette is in play.

A Fearmonger announcement casts doubt on nominations. Same with a Widow ping putting all info sources in doubt. In addition, evils would have knowledge on all the out of play roles.

Correct, but they also neighbour the Demon so it’s readily traceable if nobody hears a Widow ping to indicate that someone was poisoned.

I don’t think this counteracts the main points, though. If a player claims Artist and nominates a twin, the scenario in which they’re the Fearmonger requires a very coincidental N1 snipe compared to the probability of them being real. A Widow ping doesn’t cast doubt across “all” information, since it provides information itself. A Widow exists, the Twins exist… two Minions are locked in a non-Lil’ Monsta world.