Queue Discussion Thread


Idk if i want this.

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mommm has it been two weeks yet??? can i run 2r1b again???
honey its been 10 days
sigh fineee…

nvm there’s three botfs in the queue ill just submit it

I should write another misc that’s not BotF.

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@wazza based off the time submitted (post 692 for hazard 706 for you) i think hazard’s game goes first

unless you two had a deal or something

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No one else was in the room where it happened.


is that a yes?

It’s a Hamilton reference.


oh hush you

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I’m ngl I went based on edit time (and when me and Amelia were supposed to edit the post in (a certain someone on this website made me drunk on that day)) so I asked Hazard if it was okay for mine and Amelia’s game to go first and Hazard was fine with it lol

Although checking it now, if Hazard wants to go first instead that’s fine by me and Amelia, we just wanted our game to be BOTF XXX :joy_cat:


btw I’ve decided this counts as High Intensity after seeing how the first one went

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yea i know

we still have an open spot for a low intensity misc!

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what qualifies for a low intensity misc

like word match?

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word match, minority rule, most things that aren’t Basically A Social Deduction Game


arete u should host a trivia murder party misc
this is not a flawed concept whatsoever

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tempting to host a minority rule

would love to add my own spin on it


God Slayers. . .


I still dont really mind. I am happy for you to be XXX

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