bad demon very bad bye bye legion
No comment on the efficacy of legion: if TB on expert mode had heretic over legion I guarantee that the script would still just not be very fun
h-half the LIV is more fun
l-legion isnt the bad part of the script
Any script based on Trouble Brewing has to be good.
i thought the consensus was that adding to Trouble Brewing tends to make it worse
Generally, yeah.
h-have you seen big moon rising
im pretty sure ive told you about it efore
you might have, i do not remember it
its bmr except leviathan is the only demon
There’s a BMR variant which replaces Mastermind with Goblin. Would that be it?
I see my question already has been answered .
Leviathan + Mastermind my beloved.
I’m not aware of such consensus.
the only leviathan game that might end by normal evil wincon
just execute the leviathan on day 4 (real)
its okay minstrel balances it out
“but what about da”
“its okay courtier balances it out”
“Alright I randed Pacifist.”