Queue Discussion Thread

what does that mean

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imagine getting SPKā€™d as sk btw lmao

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1-shot but you have to activate it and only if thereā€™s another bulletproof in game


Yeah the sk sucks ass


yeah i feel like they have negative chance of winning

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agreed but its also a vanilla game
imo if i were the designerā€™s reverse their strongman and bulletproof

1-shot normal bulletproof and if you get a bulletproof due to PRs then you get a 1-shot strongman

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this sentence makes no sense

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despite being a vanilla game it has power creep and unlimited doctors btw
I have no idea who decided this would be a good idea but also

i would have changed these in review but its a known vanilla setup so

on my homesite vanilla = mountainous so I first read it as mountainous with sk

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by known i mean ā€œit has a reputationā€

i bet you guys cannot wait for trust fall

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like you canā€™t really call it Knight-Errant if you change anything

thatā€™s such an ominous way to describe something
ā€œIt has a reputation, thatā€™s for sureā€

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so instead we call it Knight-Foundant


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btw why is the gunsmith literally just a worse cop

this is the power creep i was talkin about

knight but no errors

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