Queue Discussion Thread

also the sk being able to be copped is :crying_cat_face:

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well the knight moves in an L
Of course some of those roles are gonna catch it


yeah I think Gunsmith should be able to catch SK but not Godfather

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er wait

other way around

I think there should be some mech way to find the serial killer but we have like trackers and a lot of other bullsbit stuff to catch it

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Eliza I would’ve literally wrote whatever you said lol

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fair :skull:

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Anyway what are you running Gar Gar Fish

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maybe we can queue another game called “Lost Knight” and then make those changes
after this game ofc

uhhhhh were we supposed to know this

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its open

it flipped heads unfortunately

its in the OP

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or am i reading things wrong

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also that’s not a thing

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game literally hasnt even randed and if it has garfooled hasnt told me

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which is good because im playing

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OH i thought. that secret SK abilities were listed there and I was like ???
yeah having the roles makes more sense

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