Queue Discussion Thread

Guess the Damsel correctly.

this is normally a lot easier when it isn’t incredibly easy to prove a player as a Fanzazz compared to a Hwisp or Legion

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Wizard: Wish that the demon loses too
Mushroom: Mushroom things
Imposter: kill the faz
Goblin: (silence)

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Which doesn’t work if the Fanzazz publicly claims and asks to stay alive, and if town believes them.

Funny enough, most of the minions counter a good siding faz

It looks like a death cap mushroom upon inspection.

considering it’s very likely based off amanitin poison

But yeah I don’t think a good siding faz is a fun gameplay loop for botc

Not gonna lie none of the script looks like it has any good gameplay loops

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entire point is that you need to get town not to believe that they’re a Fanzazz so

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listen I have genuinely warmed up to Fanzazz

but this is Not a script for it

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So many interesting ideas but wasted

Wizard is a valid counter (assuming no Heretic because that’s another can of worms).

Amaniti registers to good players, sure, but that’s traceable from Demon info.

Impostor can become the Fanzazz whatever. This doesn’t counter it.

Goblin is screwed.

probably because we know for a fact we don’t actually know about Midnight

and this script is a pale imitation. I think you’d have to fill in the cracks with homebrew

or well. Not. Put every single wincon character on the script and call it a day

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Wizard doesn’t really work well as a counter, I don’t think there’s a good wish you can make that doesn’t bring them down with you

just let it happen and hope heretic is in play

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Imposter and Fanzazz can just team up to both win with good

It sounds like it would work but it’s hard to think of a wish that fixed a good siding fan Aza fhat doesnf cause them to lose

this is the optimal evil counterplay to all like ten of the good team’s breaking strategies

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It can kill the original fan az right?